Reactivating the Divine Covenant

August 26, 2023
Reactivating the Divine Covenant

 days, King of kings and the Lord of lords; the Creator of heaven and earth; the One that is mighty in power; the Lord that has never lost any battle in the past; the God of salvation, the God of grace; the One that has given us the gift of amazing grace; the gift that saves, the gift that preserves, the gift that delivers, the gift that heals; Father we cannot just thank You enough for all that You have done in our lives. 


Thank You for the beginning of this year; thank You for hitherto You have kept us; thank You for delivering us from arrows that fly by night and even in the day and thank You because you never allowed the expectations of the enemies to come to pass in our lives, accept our thanks Father in the name of Jesus Christ. 


Thank You because You are a covenant keeping God, whatever You say You have the capacity to do, and that’s why we want to say thank You this morning and believe that as we have come before Your presence, there will be a reestablishment of Your word in our lives, Father let it be so in the name of Jesus Christ. 


We beseech you God of heaven that regardless of our level of iniquity, that there will be a divine intervention of mercy, that there will be a divine intervention of grace a such that all the promises that You have made concerning us, You will bring oh Lord almighty God to express fulfillment in Jesus name. 


Today is the last Sunday in the month of August, Your children have come to You, they’ve not come to any man because there is nothing any man can do for them; therefore Lord, as they have come, I pray today that instantly, You will meet them at the points of their needs, You will wipe away tears, You will dissolve sorrow, You will take away pains in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Let there be restoration and let Your name be glorified; we pray today in the name of Jesus that blessings will be ours and shame will be unto the devil, and all glory, all honor and adoration shall be returned back to You, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. And the people will say a better amen!


Good morning church; good to see your beautiful faces again and I welcome you to the last Sunday in the month of August, I pray that this will not be our last Sunday on earth in the mighty name of Jesus. If Jesus tarries, we shall all celebrate many more glorious Sundays to the praise and glory of the Lord in Jesus name. 


My prayer for every one of us today is that you will have a touch of renewal and you will have a touch of blessing. God bless you as you are seated. 


It’s a great pleasure to be in the presence of God and I trust God that it shall be well with every one of us. By the grace of God we’ll be having our usual prayer chain tomorrow, and the theme for tomorrow is “Faith: the Antidote for Fear and Anxieties”, and I pray as you come, God will take care of your fears and He will dissolve your anxieties; everything that brings worry to your life, God will uproot them in Jesus name. 


And by the grace of God, the month of September (that is just behind the corner) has been declared as our month of divine fruitfulness and multiplication; and by the grace of God you will be fruitful in every good area of your life, you will testify to the fruitfulness of God and not only that, God will multiply you and make you great in every aspect of your life in the mighty name of Jesus.


So let’s look forward to the month with great expectations as we continue in our celebrations, and the joy of celebration in our lives will not abate in Jesus name. 


Psalms 89:33- 37, “Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. (If you want to say amen, you are free to say amen; by saying amen, you are simply appropriating the promises that God has made concerning you and me) 34My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. 35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. 36His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne are the sun before me. 37It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven in the mighty name of Jesus”. 


I stand on this altar and I prophesy concerning each and every one of you under the   influence of my voice, including those of you that are looking at me and those who

are there online that your throne and your moon shall be established forever in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The covenants that God has made with you will not be broken, there shall be fulfillments of the words of God in your life in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Today I will be talking to us on the topic “Reactivating the Divine Covenant”. By the way, I want to publicly and formally thank my pastor, Pastor Abiodun Akinyemi, for the beautiful sermon given last week Sunday, titled beware of dead flies; it was a sermon for the season and it could not have been better presented; Pastor, thank you very much, God bless you; our labor of love in the vineyard will not be in vain in Jesus name. I’m proud of you. 


Reactivating the Divine Covenant: to reactivate means to restore, you restore to a state of activity; to reactivate also mean to bring back into action. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that every dead virtues in your life shall be restored in the name of Jesus Christ. 


And when you talk about a covenant, you talk about an agreement or a deed   between two people. A covenant is the essence of a working relationship, and a covenant can exist between a man and another man, or a man and a woman, or a man and God. The strength of a covenant varies depending on the parties to the covenants; the strength of every covenant varies, it’s subject to the agreement between the parties to it. 


Some covenants can be very strong and some can be very weak; a covenant can be a good covenant and of course it can also be a bad covenant; but today we are looking at a good covenant – the divine covenant that God has made with each and every one of us. 


There are evil covenants; you’ve had a lot of testimonies of those who are    covenanted even at the points of birth and even some before they were born, and by the time they come to the world they live a life of struggle, they live a life of grief and they live a life of sorrow; but the good news for someone in the house today is that if you are here and you are subject to any evil covenant, by reason of the power of God in the house this morning, every contrary covenant in your life shall be broken. 


How did I know? The Bible says it shall come to pass in that day and the yoke shall be taken off their shoulder and the burden off their neck; it says because of the anointing, yokes shall be destroyed. I stand up on the authority of the word of God and I deploy the apostolic authority, and I declare this morning that every yoke in your life, every contrary covenant in your life is broken in the name of   



As children of God, necessity demands of us that we make a strong covenant    with God in order for Him to be committed to us. The level of commitment in every engagement is a function of how strong the covenant is. No man in life can have a definite success without divine providence, and no one can talk about divine providence without God being involved. 


The whole essence of divine providence is God’s intervention. The Bible tells us in Amos 3:3, it says “Can two cannot walk together, except they be agreed”? In other words, like the lawyer will tell you, in every contract, (because a covenant is like a contract) there must be an offer and acceptance. In every covenant relationship, there are must be an offer and acceptance, and in this case you have to confess your sins and accept Jesus into your life as your personal Lord and Savior; there must be an offer and there must be an acceptance. 

And the Bible says when you hear His voice today, harden not your heart; my prayer is that God will open your heart, God will open my heart, He will make our hearts receptive to the word and as the word comes into the heart, it will bring us blessings, it will bring us deliverance and it will bring us enlargement in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 


It is also very important for every one of us to be aware of the fact that there are many covenants benefits and responsibilities, and number one: I need to let you know this morning that we have a covenant of life with God, praise the Lord! 

Our covenant with God is a covenant of life, to launch us into the realm of abundance, and John 10:10 is my witness; John 10:10 tells us, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”.


We have a covenant of life with God, not a life of scarcity, not a life of struggle, not a life of needs and wants, but a life of abundance. He said ‘that they might have life and they might have it more abundantly’. I pray in the name of Jesus that as from today, that abundance will find expression in your life in the name of Jesus Christ. In other words, you will not struggle to live, you will not struggle for breath in the mighty name of Jesus; you will not struggle to eat in the mighty name of Jesus; you will not struggle to carry your body in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Psalms 90:10, it says “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow”; but what I want to bring out is this, the God of heaven is telling us here that none of us will die before our time in the mighty name of Jesus. 


In Psalms 118: 17, it says you will live and not die; it says “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord”; and in Psalms 65:20, God spoke to David and that is the conclusion of the whole matter, the Bible says there shall be no infant of days; and I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that as you continue your life, none of you will die prematurely; even at 70, you are just starting life in the mighty name of Jesus. Seventy is not our minimum; seventy in that context is talking about the productive year, because people take it that at seventy you are free to die; every man is destined to live for 120 years and I can assure you if you are 60 now, you have just begun; those of you that are 60 and above, shout hallelujah! You are doing another 60, and for those of you that are below, you haven’t started at all because the journey is still long; I said you will not die young in the name of Jesus; you will not die before your time in the name of Jesus. 


We were talking one day and somebody was saying 70 and one man of God (a provincial pastor, though retired) said my covenant with God is a covenant of 120, Pa Akintola Williams, he clocked 104 some weeks back; who says old age is not good, the man still dresses in suit. I prophesy in the name of Jesus, because there are some of you that are prepared to go, you are not going anywhere, you will be alive, you will be strong, you will be kicking, you will be eating, you will be doing things normal, you will be playing games, God will make you a striker. 


So I want to encourage us that as we continue our journey into this year, ask God for specifics, ask God for specifics about your life, ask God for specifics about your marriage, ask God for specifics about your ministry, ask God for specific about your health, be like Bartimaeus; Jesus asked him what do you want Me to do for you? He said that I might receive my sight, no story. A lot of us will come to church, too much stories: what is your problem? I have been here, it all started in 1982, we are not interested, God is not interested in when it started, God is interested in bringing an end to it. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that every problem that came with you today will not go back home with you in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Brethren, there is absolutely nothing God cannot do, Jeremiah 32:17 is my witness; it says “Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee”; there is nothing that is too hard for God, your problem is not beyond God, your situation is not beyond God. I don’t know what doctor has said about you, but believe me, that situation is not beyond what God can take; I pray today that God will make nonsense of every contrary reports about you in the name of Jesus Christ. Every report that is causing you fear, every report that is causing you heartbreak, every report that is not making you to be active, every report that is making you to think about death more than life, that report is canceled today in the mighty name of Jesus.


Talking about covenant, the simple covenant that we can easily relate with is that of a marriage; you’ll find out that as soon as two people come together, everything becomes common. You remember in the Book of Genesis, the Bible tells us, Adam and Eve, they were in the garden and they were there naked, no cover, nothing, and yet they were not ashamed. I decree today, every source of shame in your life, God will take away in the name of Jesus. 


In a marriage situation, the husband and wife dwell together, there is no shame, everything is common – common love, common purpose, common goals, common desire and common effort. There is no shame in every covenant, and of course in every covenant, barriers are broken, and that is how our relationship with God should be, there should be no shame, there should be no barrier; the truth of the matter is that the only thing that brings shame and barrier is sin, because Isaiah 59 says God’s hands are not short, nor His ears dumb to hear and to deliver, (it says) but our iniquities have separated us from God. 


You know the day a man is able to take a decision to live a righteous life, the day a man is able to stand for the truth and say I will not engage in any form of evil, that day is the beginning of a sweet relationship with God; that day marks the beginning of answered prayers in your life. The reason why we struggle is unrighteousness; we profess Christ but our attitude negates the same; we profess Christ but the things that we do, do not glorify God, and that’s why we live a life of struggle even though sometimes we give God ultimatum; if you are going to give ultimatum to God, your hands must be clean. Your hands are soiled and you are coming to God to give ultimatum, thank God that He’s a merciful God, otherwise many of us would have been killed. 


If you want to enjoy God to the fullest, live righteously, do good, avoid evil, don’t cover up, stop backbiting, stop keeping malice, avoid dead flies, and see how straight your life will be, and see how meaningful your life will be. I pray today in the name of Jesus that the grace that we need to live above all, may we all receive today in Jesus name. 


What are our covenant responsibilities and benefits? 


Number one: Deuteronomy 28: 1-9, it says “And it shall come to pass, if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandment which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: 2And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. 3Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shall thou be in the field. 


4Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. 5Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store. 6Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out. 7The Lord shall cause thine enemy that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways. 


8The Lord shall command the blessings upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hands unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God has giveth thee. 9The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in his way”


Covenant blessings or benefits and responsibilities. For every benefits, there is or there are corresponding responsibilities, and of course the ground for these responsibilities and benefits was well set and laid in Deuteronomy 28: 1, and in verse 3, it repeated itself and now in verse 9 it says that all these benefits, all these pronouncements, all these promises, they are contingents on one thing that if thou shall keep the Commandments of the Lord thy God and walk in his ways. 


Today we want to walk in the Broadways and yet we want to get the blessing, it does not work like that; we must walk in His way for us to have the benefits of walking with Him. As far as God is concerned, God is ever ready; provision has been made and what He has done here is that He has made a covenant of divine provision, all you need to do is to meet up with the responsibility and get your blessing; as you get your blessing, you get as much as you want. My prayer for every one of you today is that your own benefits will not pass you by in Jesus name. 


Number two: we also have what I call the covenants of life; I took you through John 10:10 in the cause of this sermon. God has given us life and given us life abundantly; if you live in Christ, you walk in Christ and of course you harbor the fear of the Lord, you’ll find out that you will not struggle for life, you will not struggle to live. 


Number three: there is a covenant of healing and health. Exodus 15:26, “And said, if thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, (you will see again the responsibility) and will do that which is right in his sight, and will give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee”. 


The Lord is our healer; He’s a great physician; He’s the Surgeon of surgeon; He’s the Alpha and Omega; there is no sickness that God cannot heal, but we must take care of the responsibility. Today, people say Pastor pray for me, I’m sick; take me to the general overseer, I’m sick; the Bible is saying check your life, you don’t need the general overseer to heal you, general overseer is not a healer, God is the healer. 


The Bible tells us in the Book of James; it says is there anyone among you that is sick? It says let him go to the elders, if he has committed any sin let him confess, for the eventual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. The Bible says we cannot continue in sin and expect the grace of God to abound; come and take me to the general overseer, if everybody will go to the general overseer, won’t you kill the general overseer? The day the general overseer is not available, then what happens to you? 


By faith, we can connect to God; by faith, we can appropriate our blessing. Tell pastor to pray for me, tell pastor to pray for me, if everybody has to come to the pastor, wouldn’t the pastor die? That’s why there are elders in the church; we have elders male and female in the church all over the place; what we lack is faith; and sometimes, there are things we are holding to, that we don’t want to let go, but the Bible says do not be deceived, for God is one mocked; whatever a man soweth, the same shall he reap. I pray today in the name of Jesus, whatever sickness you have brought here, you will not go home with it; but if you have sinned, confess your sin; and do you know the beauty of it, this is not like the other denomination where you go to and kneel down and confess to the pastor, you have the liberty to confess to God; the Yoruba will say ‘a r’inu r’odse, olumoran okan’ (the One that knows it all and can do it all). 


No man has the power to forgive, that prerogative belongs to God. If you have committed any sin, if there is anything you are holding on to that is wrong, go before the Lord, confess it and I can assure you, before this time tomorrow you will testify to the goodness of God. 


In 3rd John 2, it says beloved, I wish you above all things that you prosper, be of good health, even as your soul prospereth. I pray that beginning from today 27th of August, there will be liberty in your spirit for you. You will have that freedom in your soul and you will know that right inside of you, you are free and so shall it be in Jesus name. 


There is a covenant of peace and joy, John 14: 27; it says “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the word giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”. Please help me re-echo same to your neighbor, ‘let not your heart be troubled and nether let it be afraid’, the peace of God is with you in the mighty name of Jesus.


Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. Receive peace, receive peace, receive peace, in the name of Jesus. The peace that passeth all understanding will keep your heart and your mind; it will preserve your heart, it will preserve your mind, it will stabilize you and bring you sustenance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 


There’s a covenant of goodness and mercy, Psalms 23: 6, David said, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever, let someone shout hallelujah! If that’s true of you and you are claiming it today, rise on your feet and shout hallelujah; receive it in the name of Jesus Christ. 


There’s a covenant of grace and favor, Hebrews 4:16, it says “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”. The choir ministered to us this morning on the gift of grace, and of course we sang during the workers meeting, we sang of grace; we all need the grace to continue the race, you need the grace to walk, you need the grace to make progress in every of your commitments, and I decree today, receive grace in Jesus name. 


There is also the covenant of faithfulness and fruitfulness, Deuteronomy 28 will take care of it; there is a covenant of power and anointing, Acts 1:8, it says “And ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth”. 


To succeed in evangelistical ministry, you need power, because power takes away the timidity, power takes away the sluggishness, power takes away the fear that will not allow you to move; it was after the power came down that Peter was able to launch out, and just in one uutreach, about 3,000 souls were won unto Christ. I pray in the name of Jesus that as you receive power today, everything that is holding you back in your spiritual life shall be broken in Jesus name. 


And of course, there is a covenant of victory in every battle, amen! I don’t know the battle you are fighting, but there is a covenant of victory for you and that guarantees your victory. Romans 8:37; it says “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us”; and in 1st Corinthians 15: 57, it says thanks be to God who has given us victory. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that your victory will not short-live in Jesus name; your victory will endure in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Brethren, you need to connect with success and refuse to be a failure; we are more than conquerors, we are winners and not losers, we are God’s battle axe and weapons of war. The Bible tells us, it says for with you, I will break the nation in pieces; I pray today in the name of Jesus that with the power of God upon your life, nations will be broken in pieces in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Shall we stand on our feet; today you are going to say after me: today, I receive grace for favor, I receive grace for fruitfulness, I receive grace for power and anointing in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Brethren, it is a moment of reconnection, it’s a moment of renewal and it’s a season of restoration, and I pray in the mighty name of Jesus that there will be reconnection for those who are disconnected, and I pray that there shall be restoration for those who have suffered losses, and there will be renewal of body, soul and spirit in the mighty name of Jesus. 


However, if you are here you have not given your life to Christ, I said it , there must be an offer and acceptance in every covenant relationship; the offer is for you to confess your sin, surrender to God and promise that I will not do it again, and the acceptance will be forgiveness coming from above. All eyes closed, all heads bowed; if you have heard the word of God today and you want to say yes Lord, I don’t want to go back home the same way I came, raise up your hand. You want to say yes Lord, I want to benefit from the covenant, I want to appropriate the benefits of the covenant as it has been shared with us today, raise up your hand. 


God is waiting for you, He wants to bless you, He wants to reactivate that covenant of life, He wants to take away sicknesses and diseases from your body, He wants to give you joy, He wants to reactivate the covenants of goodness and mercy. 

The rest of you, I want you to pray to God: Father, reconnect me from today; by reason of your grace, Father, reconnect me and reactivate all those inactive covenant; those covenants, benefits, that you have rendered inactive by reason of your attitude, by reason of the way you live your life, I want you to pray to God, pray for forgiveness in the first place and ask God, Father, please reactivate all the covenants in my life; the covenant of fruitfulness, the covenant of power and anointing, the covenant of victory in every battle, the covenant of divine provision, Father please reactivate in my life, and God will hear and answer your prayers in the mighty name of Jesus.


Father in heaven, we want to say thank You because You are a good God; thank You for Your word that You have spoken to us today. Father, I stand on the authority of Your word and I declare concerning these Your children, as many of you oh Lord with open heart that have received Your word today, in the name of Jesus let there be reconnection for them in Jesus name; let there be restoration in the name of Jesus; let there be reactivation of inactive benefits of Your covenants in their lives in the name of Jesus Christ. 


And from today, Father renew them body, soul and spirit; and above all in the kingdom of God, all of us together, please count us word of eternity; thank You glorious Father; let us walk oh Lord Almighty God in the benefits of Your covenant and the fulfillment of Your promises in our lives now and ever before in Jesus name. So shall it be in Jesus name; have a wonderful week and God bless you.