Come on, celebrate Jesus in the house this morning; if truly He has done you well, put those two hands together to celebrate the King of glory, the El-Shaddai, the Mighty God, the God who sits in heaven and do wonders on the earth, the miracle working God, the Alpha the Omega, the beginning the ending; put those two hands together to appreciate His love, to appreciate His faithfulness, what a great God, what a mighty God, glory be to our Father.
Ask somebody by your side, has God done you well? If the Lord has done you well, lift up your two hands and shout hallelujah! Lift up your two hands and just appreciate the almighty God if indeed He has been good to you; if you have been favored by the Lord, if God has been kind to you and your family since the beginning of this year 2024, we are in December already 23 days for it to end, just appreciate the Lord in your own way and say Lord thank You, because You’re a good God, because You’re a kind God, because You’re a faithful God, because You’re a dependable God, because You’re a reliable God, blessed be the name of the Lord in Jesus precious name we have worshipped.
Mighty and everlasting Father, the Father of all fathers, reliable, trustworthy, dependable, the Almighty, the God who is able to do and to will and to perform His good pleasure in our lives; thank You for all the things You have done for us in the past, we are here to say thank You for what You are doing now and to also appreciate You for what You will do in the future, accept our thanks in the name of Jesus.
Thank You because You have never allowed the counsel of the wicked to come to pass over our lives, we are here today, there are many of our people who never want us to go and to return, but we have gone severally and we have returned severally, Jesus we say thank You today, accept our thanks in the name of Jesus.
Lord, in this service let heaven open upon us, bless every life, speak to our needs, address us in the way we need Your word, and at the end glory will be given to You, thank You mighty Father, in Jesus precious name we prayed.
I would like to appreciate God’s servant in the house, our beloved father in the Lord who has been a big brother, a friend, and his beloved wife, the Lord bless you (sir) for the opportunity to be here today. I appreciate all the ministers of God on the altar, and all our daddies, mommies, children, friends in the house; wonderful Choir, God bless you, the Lord will increase you in the name of Jesus.
Our theme for this month is ‘Divine Fulfillment’, may you live a fulfilled life, it’s going to be an embarrassment to your God if you still fail to live a fulfilled life; having done so much for you, loaded you with all you need to make it in life and to be fulfilled, may you live a fulfilled life in the name of Jesus. Our anchor scripture in Psalm 66: 12 (NKJV), the Bible says “You have caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but you brought us out to rich fulfillment”, may you live a fulfilled life.
The same scripture in the New International Version says “You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance”, there’s plenty for somebody saying amen today.
I’ll be talking briefly on what I titled this morning ‘Living in the Assurance of Divine Fulfillment’; life is a journey filled with uncertainties and challenges and doubts, we all know what we face each day, in the midst of all of these storms, there is a steadfast anchor, the assurance of divine fulfillment in whatever we go through in the storms, in the circumstances of life we face, in the challenges we face, we have an anchor behind our mind as assurance of divine fulfillment that in the midst of it all, at the end of it all we will leave fulfilled.
For somebody here today hearing me, no matter what you are going through, no matter what you are facing, at the end your life will be fulfilled.
He said you allow men to ride over us, we went through fire we went through water, but at the end of it all you brought us into a place of fulfillment, a place of abundance, a place where we can stand to give thanks to You, a place where we can say indeed the Lord has been God, a place where we can say God has been the One doing it and again He has done it; for somebody, before this year ends God will do it for you.
This assurance granted us has makes us to be unwavering in the plan and purpose of God, it keeps us going, it unites us, it keeps us in that plan and purpose of God, but this morning, I will take my text from Philippians 1: 6 and I will read it in the New International Version, “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”; He who began a good work in you will carry it on to the day of completion, that good thing God has started in you, He will perfect it.
He said He will carry it all; no matter the circumstance, no matter the obstacle, the limitation, the deprivation, the delay, He said God will carry it all. For somebody, I see God doing it again in your life, carrying you to that place of envy, that place of fulfillment; so I don’t know what God has started in you or what you have laid your hand on to start, I don’t know the point where you find yourself, I don’t know where you dream to be, where you have desire to be, before this year comes to an end – the choir reminded us just now, 23 days is too much for God to do what He wants to do, the God who made the entire heaven and earth in 6 days, what else can He not do for you? How long will it take Him to solve your problem? How long will it take Him to answer your prayer? How long will it take Him to fulfill that His good purpose for you? How long will it take Him? He has started a good work, He will complete it.
Now when I talk on living in assurance of divine fulfillment, what do I mean?
Number one, trusting in God’s plan even when we don’t understand it, and most times, beloved of God, the plan of God is beyond human comprehension, is beyond what human knowledge can fathom; it takes the divine insight into the things of God to be able to understand the things God wants to do.
Bible says what eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor come to the might of any man the things God has prepared for the people that love Him. God can’t be the One doing it and man will begin to explain it, what God is doing is beyond human explanation, they wondered at the wonders of God in your life, they are amazed at the doing of God in you because they can’t explain it. Trusting in God’s plan that you know and you are rest assured that God has a plan for my life, I may not understand how it’s going to work out but I know He will work it out.
Number two, it means believing that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are far greater than our thoughts. You don’t need to limit the unlimited God; the brain of every human is too small to limit the unlimited God, there is no human brain that is big enough to fathom who God is, God is bigger than the whole world combined together, why do I say that? Because the Bible says He carries the entire world in the hallow of His hand, the One who can carry the whole world in the hallow of His hand, that tells you of His strength and ability, so combine the whole world together, God is bigger than them all.
In Isaiah 55: 9, He said My ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts, as heaven is far above the earth, so is my way far above your way; so when God is talking about divine fulfillment and living in His assurance, please sir, don’t sit down to begin to calculate, all you need to do is to embrace it.
Number three, it means embracing the unknown with confidence in God; things you don’t know that God wants to do, if you know all that God wants to do in life, you will begin to relax, but because we don’t know, Christianity is by faith, we live by faith in the Son of God, and then the Bible says faith is evidence of things not seen, so if you are living by faith then you have to embrace the unknown with confidence that it is real, that God will do it, that God will make it happen.
God is working all things together for your good, my brother and my sisters, it does not matter where you are, where you find yourself, God is working it out in your favor; very soon I will see you at a place of envy, a place of dignity, a place of respect, a place where men will bow also to you.
But hear me before I close this morning, living in the assurance of divine fulfillment requires certain things for us to understand;
Number one, cultivating a deep relationship with God: this speaks of intimacy with God, with the person of God, not with church. Many of us get so familiar with church but not with God, we know Church the way we know the lines on our hand, we can read it clearly but we don’t know God as such; relationship with God does not equate coming to church – two different things, a man can be in church and never know who God is.
I’ve said severally to people that even in the Ogboni fraternity they use Bible; there’s a church they call Orunmila Church, they use Bible; so anybody can carry Bible, anybody can use Bible, but is the God of the Bible in you? Do you know Him the way you ought to know Him? Do you have intimacy with Him?
In Mark 3: 14, “And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach”; if you look at that scripture after their ordination – their appointment, after He appointed the twelve of them, the first thing He desired of them is a team spirit that they might be with Him. Can I ask you this morning people of God, how many time, how many minutes, how many hour do you spend with the Lord? It is good to come to church, it is good to appear in gathering of Christians, but do we have that deep and close relationship with the Almighty God? What God requires of you and I is that intimacy, how close are you to God? We may be living around the church, we may be living far away from church does not really matter, but anywhere we can see wind God is there, it’s only a place there’s no wind there’s no God, God is everywhere, how close are you to God?
And I want us to know that we need to spend quality time with God through prayer and meditation, a praying man will draw upon himself upon herself the hand of the Living God, we need to take that time out no matter how busy we may be, how tight our schedule may look like, we must find time for God in whatever we do and be closer to Him day in day out, not that you only appear on Sunday, after Sunday what next, nothing.
Meditation – read the Bible, study it, not just to read alone, people read Bible to pass B.K (Bible knowledge or whatever knowledge they call it in primary school), but in Christianity we read Bible to study, to understand the person of God and to understand the precept of God, not that we want to compete – how many scripture have you read today? Ha, several times I’ve read Bible from paali to paali (cover to cover) I’ve read it like three four times, what do you know there? How many scripture resides in your brain? How many can you quote without looking at the scripture? Even if you can quote them, how many of them are you living with, are you practicing?
You must have this closer relationship with God, people of God, if you want to live a fulfilled life; a fulfilled life is a life that is lived out of the purpose of God, not to have the whole world; we may have everything but if we don’t have what God wants us to have, we won’t live a fulfilled life. What gives us fulfillment in life is the things that God wants us to have, we must have that relationship with the Almighty.
In Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not part from your mouth; but you shall read and meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything in accordance with all that is written in it: for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful”; that was God’s instruction to Joshua after Moses died, Moses did all he could to lead the people to the promised land but he never led them there, but God said to Joshua, you want to lead them to the promised land, you want to live your own purpose and fulfill it, one thing you must never forget is the study of the word, to understand what is written in there concerning you and the things I want to do through you, until you study to understand, you may not able to get good success in life.
In 1st Book of Timothy 4: 15, it says meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly unto them; that thy profiting may appear to all; meditate on these things, give thyself wholly unto them, let every part of you be part of what you are reading, let it reflect in your action, in your life, in everything you do in life, let the word you study reflect in them and then you’ll be getting closer to the bank of your success. I pray today, the Lord Himself will draw you closer.
Always seek out for opportunity to worship with other believers to deepen your relationship with God, because when you are weak they can help you up; when you are weak and tired, Bible says iron sharpeneth iron, so a friend sharpens the countenance of his own friend, so we need to have that relationship with the Almighty.
Now number two thing you need to do in living in the assurance of divine fulfillment is to embrace God’s word as truth. Beloved, the word of God is not like other books, there are books under heaven, there are books we have on our shelves, but the Bible stands out – out of many. There are book on several issues of life – on the thing we studied in school, the thing we have gone to read or study everywhere in the world, there are books on each topic and are referable, but the Bible is a comprehensive book that addresses issues of life, that has solution to every human problem irrespective of field and where we find ourselves.
Take God for His word, God is always true, God is not a liar, you must take God’s word as the true word, as the original word. I’ve said to my people severally, I say it does not matter who is talking, every man has mouth to talk, until God talks, nobody have said anything, it is only what God says that holds a ground, any man can say whatever they like, but until God speaks, nobody has said anything.
Believe the promises of God as contained in His word for you and your family; the word is real, the word is working, is working wonders in man’s life, it has worked for me and is still working for me, it will work for you also. Take God’s word as truth, don’t ever sit to rationalize it and say is it true, can it be true, how can God say this? How can it be possible? My brother, the Bible says what is written is written, no argument of men can remove it from the scripture, it is written already and God who is the owner of the word, Bible says He watches over His word to perform it, take His word as the truth.
2nd Book of Corinthians 1: 20, Bible says there, for all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him amen, unto the glory of God by us; never doubt the invariability of the word of God, the word stands forever, irrespective of human’s opinion the word stands because God’s word is truth.
Numbers 23:19 (New Living Translation) says God is not a man, so he does not lie is. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carry it through? Can God lie? So allow God’s word to carry out what is meant to do in your life, give God that chance to allow His word to bring to reality His purpose for you; where He wants you to be, they are contained in His word, so allow God to allow all of these to come to reality, and I pray for you as you walk in this direction, may our heart and mind be transformed, as we check the word and take God’s word as truth, as real that God can never lie and God is always saying the truth.
And number three, trust in God’s sovereignty; living in assurance of divine fulfillment requires that you trust in God’s sovereignty, surrender control unto Him and over all unto Him, let Him know You are the one in charge of the universe, I own nothing, I can’t do anything, minus You I am zero. Trust in the sovereignty of Jehovah that indeed He owns the heaven and the earth, there’s nothing He cannot do, there’s nothing He cannot change.
Each time I read the Book of Job, it amazes me to see and to understand God better that God can allow the devil to touch a man and bring down the man from 100 level to zero point, that God can turn the life of a man upside down; reading the story of King Nebuchadnezzar, how the Lord reconstructed his digestive system to be able to digest leaves in the bush, grasses in the bush just within few seconds; trust in the sovereignty of God that God has all the power, He’s in control, He’s in charge, when you see a man shouting ‘I’m in charge, I am in charge’, he has lost control, there’s only one God who is in charge, that’s why each time I pray to Him, ‘God, I say PICR is nothing, is just a title, God, You are the One in of Your region, not me, I can do nothing without You’; PICP is Your province, no man can be in charge if God is not in charge on your behalf, you will lose it all.
Please sir, understand and recognize that God has sovereignty over the entire world, our God is Sovereign, let go of control, trusting God’s plan to bring peace into your mind; each time you try to do it on your own you keep running into error and you are confused but allowing God to do it gives you peace in the journey of your life, you are just resting and relaxing, you see God doing wonders on your behalf and He will do it again for you in the name of Jesus.
Now you are in His presence what should you do, rest in His presence, relax, He said casting all your cares upon me for he careth for you, don’t carry all your burden on your head again as you appear before Him, don’t ever look at God ‘are you sure He will do my own’?; before He has done it, again He will do it. Surrender your will to Him, give Him your will, any time God’s will crosses your own will let your own surrender, bow it and say God have Your way; Jesus said if it be thy will, let this cup pass over me, but nevertheless let thy will be done; because of the purpose of God for Him, He surrendered to His Father.
In Job 19:25, the Bible says for I know that my Redeemer liveth, that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; He will stand for you, don’t ever think it won’t work it will work out soon because God will stand; in the calamity of Job, in the midst of it he was able to say that for I know that my Redeemer is alive, no matter what I’ve lost, no matter what I’m going through, I have a Redeemer who is in control, I have a God who is in charge, I know He will stand for me, He will stand for you also.
Number four, live a life of faith and obedience; Isaiah 1: 19 (New Living Translation) says if you will obey me, you will have plenty to eat; there’s plenty in the land, there’s plenty in this nation, you will eat your own, your own will not pass you by, all we do need is faith, willingness and obedience to God, do what He asks you to do and then He will do the rest on your behalf, He will take care of the rest on your behalf.
Somebody said commit everything to His hands, He will take care of the rest for you; troubling ourselves is just a waste of time, putting the world on our head is just a waste of time, be faithful in the little He has put in your hand and your care; the Bible says in Luke 16: 10 &11 (NLT), if you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones; but if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. 11And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? In other words, an adoring rich from the Lord; the adoring rich comes from the Lord and we need to be sincere and be faithful to God.
Number five, always practice gratitude, be grateful to God all the time. Things are working, be grateful, things are not working, be grateful; you have plenty to eat, be grateful because of the day of nothing for it will come, you don’t have to eat at all, be grateful; like people will say, life is not balanced, it won’t be balanced till Christ will come, and the more grateful you are to God will determine how soon you’ll be out of nothing to something; to stay at the side of complaining and grumbling will elongate your stay in the place of lack, you need to understand that whatever level you find yourself in life you get to be grateful to the almighty God, that’s what God want from you all the time, be grateful to Him, cultivate it, let it be a part of your life.
Psalm 34: 1 (Amplified Bible Version) says I will bless the Lord at all times; His praises shall continually be in my mouth. Will you praise God this morning? How grateful are you today? Brethren, focus on the blessings of God in your life, there are people God still wants to bless, so if He has blessed you show Him gratitude; like somebody will say, it is mercy you have received, focus on that and bless God all the time, express gratitude to God for His goodness in your life, have a heart full of thanksgiving unto God because there are many people who are thanking God but their heart is far from God, you must be sincere with your thanks, you must be sincere with your gratitude, it must come from within and be grateful to God; in everything, learn to be grateful; true fulfillment is not a destination but a journey, as we keep journeying in life we will keep fulfilling destiny in the name of Jesus.
If you are here today you are yet to give your life to Jesus, you have to do that now because what God wants to do in your life today can’t wait till tomorrow, until you surrender all to Him, God may not come to carry you; life fulfillment starts with redemption, a true redeemed child of God will keep enjoying God’s blessings all the way, shall we rise on our feet this morning and please take your Bible with me, Psalm 116: 12 (Amplified Version), the Bible says what will I give to the Lord (in return) for all His benefits towards me? (How can I repay Him for his precious blessings?)
Beloved, I’m asking you today, what can you offer unto the Lord for all His benefits in your life? Go ahead and just give thanks to the Lord; think of His benefits, think of His love, think of His care, of His support, His perfect plan for you, think of His goodness in your life and over your family and just give thanks to the Lord. To the God who has been the One doing it, to the One who will do it again and again, if you don’t give thanks enough today you may not see God do new things tomorrow, appreciate Him; if you want to sing, choose a song and use that song to praise the Almighty God; what a mighty God, worship Him, exalt the Lord, praise His holy name.
If you are joining us online, I appreciate the Almighty God for your own life, the Lord has been good and will continue to be good, thank You blessed Redeemer, in Jesus precious name we have given thanks.
Now in 2nd Book of Timothy 4: 7, it says I have fought a good fight, I finished my course, I have kept the faith; Paul talking to Timothy, encouraging him that he has done all the Lord required of him, he has lived a fulfilled life, time has come for him to leave; when your own time will come what will be your own statement, what will be your own declaration?
Put this into the hand of God this morning and say heavenly Father, in Your mercy, help me to live and to fulfill my destiny, to fulfill Your purpose for my life, help me Lord, Jesus help me to fulfill Your purpose for my life, Jesus help me, I need that help today, Jehovah help me, help me Lord, in Jesus precious name we prayed.
Every help we need to live out the purpose of God for our lives is hereby released upon your lives; everyone saying amen today, you won’t live a useless life, at the end of your life it will be said of you ‘you have lived a fulfilled life’ in the name of Jesus Christ.
Before I leave, turn your Bible to Romans 8: 28, and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose; say heavenly Father, help me to love You and to live in assurance of Your fulfillment for my life, (talk to the Almighty God), because I know You will work it out, because I know things will work out for me in the name of Jesus, so shall it be in Jesus precious name.
Proverb 19:21, the Bible says there are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand; say in the name of Jesus, I command every wicked devices in the heart of any man or any woman against my fulfillment in life, roast now; every evil device, every evil plan in the heart of any man against my life, I command you to roast now in the name of Jesus, so shall it be in Jesus precious name we prayed.
Today I release grace upon your life to enjoy divine fulfillment, to live a fulfilled life, to live an enviable life, to live a life of wonders, like David said I am as a wonder unto many, beginning from now your life will be a wonder unto many, so shall it be in Jesus precious name.