Divine Blessings

October 27, 2024

Let someone shout hallelujah! Let’s begin to worship the Lord; He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, I Am that I Am. Please lift up your two hands let’s worship our Maker; He is the Beginning, the Ending, when He speaks, it is done; when He commands, it will be established.

Lord we worship thee, we give You all the glory, we give You all the honor, we give You all the adoration; You are the King of kings, let’s worship Him, in Jesus name we prayed.  


I want you to please pray and say my Father, my Father, from the north, from the south, from the east and west, command Your blessings to locate me, in Jesus name we prayed. 


People of God, you are the first prophet over your life; so you are going to pray and say I hereby decree in the mighty name of Jesus, before the end of today, people will celebrate with me. I decree in the mighty name of Jesus, in my home, in my life, in my family, before the end of today, people shall celebrate with me, they will bid me congratulations, in Jesus name we prayed. 


Father Almighty, we want to thank You; we give You all the glory because You are a good God, You are a wealthy God, You are wealthier than the wealthiest, You are richer than the richest, You are stronger than the strongest, You are better than the best, we adore You, we magnify You, we give You all the glory for the mighty exploit You are doing in Your church, Father accept our thanks in Jesus name. 

Lord I decree that from the south, from the north, from the east and west, in the name of Jesus blessings will locate us, and before the end of today people shall bid you congratulations; bless us in an unusual way, do something great in our lives, in Jesus name we prayed. 


I bring greetings from the national headquarters and from Daddy G.O; he asked me to assure you that you shall be blessed above all people. And I want to appreciate our Pastor again, I’m not taking this opportunity for granted, even though we have been together for long, the Lord that you are honoring in my life will surely honor you; and to all our Ministers, God bless you all. 

Briefly I want to speak on Divine Blessings; I would like to take my text from Deuteronomy 7: 14, the Bible says, “Thou shall be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle”. Divine Blessings – it is an indisputable fact that true blessings come from God. From the passage we have read, the Lord has the ability to bless you above all people as it is written in John 3:27, no man can receive anything except it is given unto him by God; when we are talking about true blessing, the blessing that makes you rich with without adding any sorrow from it, it comes from God, and the Lord asked me to tell you, great people of Christ the Lord’s Parish, the Lord is saying thou shall be blessed above all people. 


You know in the promise God is making to us in Deuteronomy 7:14, it says not only will you be blessed, you are not permitted to be barren, even your domestic animal is not even permitted to be barren; and may I decree unto you straight away, in your life as from today, no more wasted efforts, no more fruitlessness; in whatever you lay your hands upon, you shall be fruitful. 


     What is Blessings? When we are talking about blessings from God, what exactly do we mean? I would like to give three definitions: number one, blessing is a summon/ commandment to forces in heaven, forces on earth, forces under the earth to support/assist you in the journey of life. People of God, I want you to know that through your efforts alone, you may not be able to make it in life, and that is why whenever God wants to bless you, He’s going to summon forces in heaven, forces on earth and under the earth to begin to assist you to begin to support you. And I hereby decree, as from today, forces in heaven, forces on earth, forces under the earth will support you, in your working place, in your business, in your career, in your profession and in your family. 


In Genesis 27: 27 – 29, when Isaac wanted to pronounce blessings on Jacob, what he was saying was that he summoned forces in heaven, forces on earth and under the earth to begin to assist him; as from today, helpers will come unto you, people will show interest in your case. Isaac opened his mouth and said to Jacob, may the dew of heaven come upon you; is another way of saying forces from heaven will begin to assist you, and he told Jacob may you taste the fatness of the earth, meaning the forces on earth will begin to assist him; he went forward to say your mother’s brethren will bow down for you, you will have plenty of corn and wine. Blessing simply means God summoning these forces to assist you; as from today, I want to assure you, forces in heaven, on earth, under the earth will begin to support you. 

Number two, what is blessing? I have discovered that there are two major forces controlling the world – the force of blessing and the force of curses; blessing simply means cancellation of curses, because if you are under a curse, if you are under the affliction of curse, there is no way you can be blessed; you may be beautiful, you may be handsome, you may possess the required qualification but if you are under a curse, you suddenly discover that blessings will just elude you, and that is why God has sent me here today to decree that every inherited curse in your life, every curse that is affecting you negatively, I hereby cancel it in the name of Jesus. So blessing is cancellation of curses. 

You will remember this story in Genesis 49: 3 – 6, when Jacob was about to die, he called all his children and he wanted to tell them what will become of them, but when he got to Simeon and Levi he pronounced a curse on them, and because of this curse they were deprived of blessings, but because God wanted to bless Levi, in Exodus 32: 26 when Moses came back from the mountain top and said who is on the Lord’s side and the children of Levi went to the side of the Lord, the curse was broken; and Galatians 3:13 – 14 tells us that Christ has redeemed us from every curse of the law. I hereby decree, in the name that is above every other name, every curse whatsoever that is afflicting you, affecting your profession, because you are here today, the curse is hereby broken, and get ready for their harvest of blessings. 


Number three, blessing simply means God prospering whatever you lay your hands upon; you suddenly discover that whatever your hands touch, it will prosper, that is blessing. I want you to please stretch forth your two hands and say it loud and clear, my hands, listen to the word of God, whatever you touch as from today shall prosper. I think in Psalm 1: 3 when God says you shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, you will bring forth your fruit in due season, your leaves with not wither and whatsoever your hands touch shall prosper


God demonstrated this in the life of Isaac, if you go back to the story in Genesis 26: 12 – 25, Isaac dug the first well, it prospered, there was water and the Philistines envied him; there is someone here, because of the blessings of God that is coming upon you, you are going to become envy of nations. They drove him away, filled that one; he dug another one, it prospered; dug another one, prospered, until he came to one and he called that one Rehoboth, there was no room to contain it. I decree, because you are in the presence of the Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus, whatever you lay your hands upon will prosper. 

Before I close this sermon, I want to mention seven categories of blessings that God told me that he will bestow onto you. I told your Pastor during the first service, get ready for harvest of blessings, so quickly we’ll discuss these seven categories and then we’ll close; 


Number one, there is a blessing called Blessings by Labor; every one of us have source of livelihood, there is something you do for a living, you have a career, you have a profession, you may be a full-time Pastor like myself, you may have a career, but the Lord is saying because He wants to bless you, that your labor, that your career, that your efforts will yield results. The Lord is saying as from today, I will bless you by labor, it doesn’t matter what you are facing in your career, what you are facing in your business, what you are facing in your profession, what you are facing in what you do for livelihood, the Lord asked me to tell you, as from today there will be a change for better because He has made up His mind to bless the work of your hand – blessing by labor. 

Let me give you an example from the scripture; you must have heard the story of the woman with the issue of blood, Mark 5: 25-34, this woman struggled and struggled, she made efforts to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, and at the end of the day God prospered her effort. Jesus was always surrounded by crowd, the woman was making struggle, was making effort; there is someone here, the Lord asked me to tell you, wasted efforts in your life has come to an end, whatever you have been laboring for, because you are here today it will produce results. At the end of the day the woman’s effort produced result when she was able to touch the Lord Jesus Christ, that is Blessing by labor. 

I don’t care what the people in the society are saying, but for you, because you are connected to God, because you are serving the Almighty God as from today, your labor will produce blessing. You may be a fish seller, whatever you do if the Lord breathes on it, it will prosper, and the Lord is saying I will breathe on your business, I will breathe on your career. Lift up your two hands and say my Father, my Father, bless my labor, my labor will no longer be a waste. 


Number two, there is a blessing that I call Blessings in Form of Thank You: when you do something for God, maybe God has laid something on your mind or He has instructed you or commanded you, do this for Me and you obey Him and you do it, He will come in return to say thank you. And the Lord is saying there are some of you here now, you have done something for Me, I’ve commanded you to do this and to do that and you have done it, He asked me to tell you get ready, reward is on the way, I am coming to bless you and say thank you. 


Let me give you a classical example in the Bible, Luke 5: 1-10, Jesus wanted to preach the gospel and when He got to the lake of Gennesaret, He told Peter, can you please trust out your boat? Let Me use your boat as a platform to preach, and Peter said no problem, You can use my boat as a platform to preach; and Jesus was preaching, then Peter went to fish like I will always say in my own way, Peter was a professor of fishing, and you know one thing about we professors, we may not dress gorgeously but if you observe professors very well, when they are walking they walk with confidence because of the knowledge they have, some people call it ‘professorial confidence’, some people may call it ‘professorial arrogance’, but when Peter was going to fish that day, his wife told him Prof, I’ve invited all my colleagues for fish pepper-soup spot and please don’t disappoint me; and Professor Peter looked at his wife and said don’t worry, by the time I return tomorrow morning they will know that your husband is the only Professor of Fishing in the city of Galilee; I’m sure his wife would have said eja o, but to call the story short, Professor of Fish all the night caught nothing. 


He adopted all the professorial strategy, no fish, but while he was struggling, Jesus had ended His sermon and He now said let me go and say thank you to Peter. When He get to Professor Peter, He said launch your nets (plural) into the deep, and Peter looked at Him and said, Oga, if at all You know any trade, I guess it will be carpentry because Joseph Your father was a carpenter, not fishing, I want to assure you Sir, there is no single fish in this ocean, I’ve adopted all the professorial strategy; Jesus said I have come to say thank you to you, launch your net. Peter only launched one net and at the end of the day, he caught drought of fishes. 


I’m sure you know that fish can be plural of fish and fishes can also be plural of fish, but the Bible says he caught drought of fishes. If you are talking about a particular fish, maybe like barracuda, if you have plenty Barracuda, fish will still be used as a plural, but if you are talking about various kind of fish or fishes where you have barracuda, mackerel, catfish, tilapia and so on, then you will use fishes; in other word, when Peter launched one net, various kind of fishes rushed into his net. Thus saith the Lord, because I have come to say thank you to you, promotion, blessing, glory, success, favor, breakthrough, will rush into the net of your life. My Daddy is saying tell them, I have come to say thank you. 


Before I leave that point, Professor Peter told Jesus no single fish in the ocean, where did those fishes come from? Someone said, (I don’t know whether that is true) when Peter was fishing and Jesus was preaching, all the fishes in the ocean went to listen to the sermon of Jesus and that is why none of them could enter into the net of Peter, but when the Commander-in-chief, the King of kings, the Lord of lords commanded that fishes should rush into the net and that Commander is saying I will command wealth. In the first service I preached on Wealth Transfer, you might want to listen to it on your YouTube, this Commander-in-chief asked me to tell you He will command the wealth, breakthrough, to rush into your net -blessings in form of thank you, may you receive it in Jesus name. 

     Number three, there is a blessing called Blessings by Association; when someone is blessed and you associate your life with that person that is already blessed, by association that blessings will be transferred into your life, but before I expatiate on that, may I decree, anyone that is in any wrong association that has led to something evil being transferred into your life, I use the anointing of God upon my life, I break that association; every ungodly partnership you are into, affecting your life negatively, I break it in the name of Jesus. 


I’d like to tell you that the Redeemed Christian Church of God is blessed, daddy G.O is blessed and because you are associating with this church, the blessing will be transferred unto you. A Biblical example, you can see it in Genesis 13:1- 4, God blessed Abraham, Abraham was rich in silver, in gold and in cattle, and because Lot was associated with Abraham, Lot became blessed by association, the blessing was transferred unto him. When Lot separated himself from Abraham, I’m sure you know the end of Lot; today, the Lord is saying you are going to receive blessings by association. 


     Let me give you an example: I went for an interview one day and those people who had gone for the interview before me told me just go and try your luck, nobody makes it once, by the time you do it maybe thrice or four times you will have learned some things, and I got there, I didn’t know when I was parking my car, the head of the interview panel has seen the logo of Redeemed on my car; so when I stood before him, he said young man, I said yes sir, are you ready for your questions? He said question number one, are you a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God? I said yes sir; question number two, how is Baba Adeboye? I said he’s fine; he said question number three, where is Baba Adeboye? As at that time I wasn’t pastoring the church at headquarter, I didn’t know whether he has travelled or not, by faith I said he’s at the Redemption Camp; he looked at me and said young man, you have passed. Out of stupidity, I still told him let’s go into the real question sir, he said nobody can fail Baba Adeboye’s son and still succeed in life, I said you have passed – that is blessings by association.


Believe me my friend is also blessed, your Pastor is also blessed, because you are coming to this church, you associated with God, you are going to get blessings by association.

     Number four, there is another blessing that is called Blessings by Obedience; when God asks you to do something and you obey Him without questioning Him, He will return to bless you. You remember the story (I think is) in Genesis 22 when God told Abraham, go and sacrifice unto Me your only son, Isaac, on Mount Moriah; if it were to be some of us, we would have told God, ah God, You must be blood thirsty, You knew I waited for 90 years before I could get this boy, You don’t want to get any other thing apart from this my only son? Some of us will even tell God that You are a murderer, but Abraham obeyed. 


Someone said when he took Isaac and he was going, he didn’t tell Sarah, that if he had told Sarah, there would be katakata, I don’t know whether that is correct or not, but you know the end of the story; when he was about to slaughter Isaac, God said don’t do it, all I have done for you is to test you, and God said, because of that which you have done, I have sworn by My name (because nothing is greater than God), He said in blessings I will bless you, (Genesis 22:16 – 18), in multiplying I will multiply you, your seed shall be like the stars of heaven and like the sand of the seashore, and your seed shall possess the gate of thy enemies, that is blessings by obedience. 


When you obey God, when you do that which God asks you to do even though it may be painful, the blessings will come. Let me also give you a personal example: sometimes ago, I think I had three cars, but I bought one, I will not forget it was Volvo 760, and at that time I bought it as a tokumbo for ₦260,000, at that time naira was still naira, and I was enjoying the car, I usually ride it once in a while, I’ve repented o, but I so much loved the car to the extent that I didn’t allow my wife to ride it anyhow, I was blocking her; if she wanted to use the car, I would say use the other one.


One day I was praying and God spoke to me and said I want you to give Me that car; I became annoyed and said God ah ah, You must be greedy o, if I have three, You should have taken one of the two, you want to take the best, and I said anyway, I’m not the solo now, the car belongs to me and my wife, before I can surrender the car, let me get the consent of my wife, and when I told her she said, when you have not sowed the car you did not allow me to ride it, sow it very fast, give it to God, God needs it. It was this my driver who drove me here today that drove the car when we took it to Redemption Camp; he was in the front I was at the back, as we were going with the car, my driver was crying, the owner at the back was crying, my driver was ah, daddy, esin lo, my driver is here with me, and we obeyed God and that ended the story. But do you know that after that, because of that obedience, God returned to say thank you, I won’t say more than that so that it does not appear as if I’m boasting, but when you obey God, I can assure you the blessings will come. 


You must have heard the story of Daddy G.O, when he said God told him give Me your jeeps and he pretended and asked God, which of the jeeps? And God responded when He sees that a PhD holder does not know the difference between singular and plural, I said give me your jeeps; as at that time he had Lincoln Navigator and Lexus Jeep and he gave it out, today he rides jets; if you are complaining, keep on complaining, but there is a story behind the glory, he obeyed God; when you obey God, when you do that which God asks you to do, blessings will follow, I plead with you, there is blessing by obedience, the Lord will help us. 


Initially I thought of mentioning seven, but let me add one more because of time so that we can pray, don’t worry, there will still be avenue for you to hear the remaining two, but then the fifth one, there is one that is called Blessings by Pronouncement; whenever God wants to bless you, He will bring a man of God to come your way, someone who has authority over you to pronounce blessings on you. It is not by accident that God has brought me here today, but there is one advantage that God has given to me that you will benefit from it today, because I’m at the headquarters I see Daddy GO more than any of you, many at times I may pretend, he may shake my hands for about four times in a day, with that anointing I’m going to pronounce blessings on you. 


In Genesis 27: 27- 29, Isaac pronounced blessings on Jacob, it is also called father’s blessing, such kind of blessing is irreversible, irrevocable, once it is pronounced it is already done. You remember in that story after Isaac had blessed Jacob and Esau came and said Isaac my father, I’m your first one, bless me; oh, the old man trembled and said I have pronounced blessings on him, yea he shall be blessed, because father’s blessing cannot be reversed. The Lord has brought me here today to pronounce blessings on you. 

     The remaining two, I won’t explain but you may want to write down; there is another one that is called Blessing that Overtakes; the seventh one is Blessings by Covenant, but usually when you want to pronounce father’s blessings, you need to prepare a good venison for your father; you know in the story, Isaac told Esau, go and prepare a good venison for me, let me eat and I will bless you. Even though I’m not asking you to prepare venison for me, your pastor has done it on your behalf and I want you to know that as we pronounce that blessings, it shall be done. 

That is why Israel is great today, as tiny as they are, no nation in the world can ignore Israel because of that father’s blessing. I don’t know who you are please, like I told the people in the first service, even if you are wealthy today, you are becoming wealthy; if you are already strong, the Lord will make you stronger; if you are rich, the Lord will make you richer, all I have come to do now is to pronounce blessings on you and yea you shall be blessed, but I will ask you to prepare a good venison for God because we are pronouncing the blessings in the name of God. 


I’m going to ask the choir to come back after we have taken two or three prayer points, they are going to sing praises and after that I will pronounce the blessing; but before we do that, if you are in the house you are not yet born again, I admonish you come and surrender your life to Christ; there is an adage in Yoruba land that the rain can beat a tree on one part and leave the other unbeaten. If you are not connected to God, if you are not genuinely born again, you may not be able to receive this blessing.


[Altar call]


The first prayer point; please stretch forth your two hands and say my Father, my Father, bless the work of my hand, breathe on my labor and as from today, let my labor produce great results. Say Lord, as from today breathe on my labor, bless me by labor, whatever I lay my hands upon let it produce results, in Jesus name we prayed. 


Prayer number two, spiritually when we are talking about fish, fish represents blessings, so you are going to pray and say in the name of Jesus, promotion, blessings, success, breakthroughs, open doors, good health, will rush into the net of my life, in Jesus name we prayed. 


I want you to pray and say every curse that is working against me, in the name of Jesus, break now. It is written, Christ has redeemed me from every curse of the law, every family curse, inherited curse, curses from my father’s house, curses from my husband’s house, curses from my mother’s house, I say break now. I decree to all these Your children, all curses afflicting them, I say break now, in Jesus name we prayed. 

You are going to turn to every four corner and say I command forces from heaven, forces on earth, forces under the earth, forces from the north, from the south, from the east and west to begin to support me in the journey of life.




Stretch forth your two hands towards the altar; in the mighty name of Jesus, I hereby decree thou shall be blessed above all people; in your life, no more barrenness, you will always be fruitful. I decree in the mighty name of Jesus, forces from heaven, forces from earth, under the earth will assist you in the journey of life. The Lord will send destiny helpers unto you, helpers will locate you in the name of Jesus. 

I decree, every curse – inherited curse, family curse, curses from husband’s house, from your mother’s house, from your father’s house, I command it to break in the name of Jesus. It is broken in the name of Jesus. I decree, whatever you lay your hands upon, as from today, it will prosper; God will bless your labor, God will bless the work of your hands in the name of Jesus. Your efforts will produce results in the name of Jesus. 


Blessings in form of thank you will be your portion in the name of Jesus; God will reward your obedience in the name of Jesus. I hereby decree that in blessing you shall be blessed, in multiplying you shall be multiplied; your seed shall be blessed, your seed shall be like the sand of the sea shore; your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies in the name of Jesus. 

I say you are blessed; I open my mouth wide and I decree, the dew of heaven shall come upon you, you will taste the fatness of the earth, you will have plenty of corn and wine in the name of Jesus. Your mother’s children will bow down for you, the Lord will enlarge you, you will increase exceedingly, you will flourish like palm tree, you will grow like cedar of Lebanon in the name of Jesus. 


You shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, you’ll bring forth your fruit in due season, your lips will not wither, whatsoever your hands touch will prosper. I decree that miracle you need that will make you to become envy of nation, receive in the name of Jesus. It shall be well with you, you will shine at home, you will shine abroad in the name of Jesus. You will rule your world, anyone that blesses you shall be blessed, anyone that curses you shall be cursed.


By the reason of the anointing of God upon my life, I put you ahead of your colleagues, you will end this year well, you will not go with 2024, you will enter the New Year triumphantly. 


Bless our children, bless our teenagers, bless our youths, and you will serve God till the end; thank You because You have answered; I say you are blessed, blessing will rush into the net of your life; promotion, success, glory, breakthrough will rush into the net of your life. 


Father bless this church, increase this church numerically, spiritually and financially; bless our Pastor, bless our mommy, bless his children, bless the grandchildren; all the Ministers who are working with our Pastors here, I decree, the Lord will prosper you, the Lord will support you, as you are supporting the Pastor you will not know shame. Thank You because You have answered, for we have prayed in Jesus name. 


If you are blessed, jump up and shout hallelujah!