Father, from the depth of our hearts, we declare Your majesty this morning; we say unapologetically that there is no one like unto You; You have done great things for us; You have been faithful; You have been gracious; You have been wonderful and You have been extraordinary. Thank You for the seven months that have come and gone; thank You because Your grace remains; Your mercy remains; Your faithfulness endures; accept our thanks in the name of Jesus Christ.
Thank You for keeping us standing; against all odds, thank You for keeping us standing; against all the machinations of the evil one, thank You for keeping us standing; accept our thanks in Jesus name.
Father, we have come to do one thing today and it’s simply to praise You; Lord we pray that may our praise, our worship, come unto You as a sweet smelling savor today in Jesus name; accept us and accept our worship.
Thank You Father because You have answered; I pray for all Your children who have been faithful in the payments of their tithes and in the giving of the offerings, Lord we pray that in blessing You will bless them, You will enlarge their coast, and You will make them a delightsome land, and Your promises concerning each and every one of us You’ll accelerate in Jesus name; and at the end of everything today, You will take all the glory, the blessings will be ours and the shame will be unto the devil.
We decree concerning the convention – the annual convention of this mission that will start off tomorrow unto you oh God, Father take pre-eminent in Jesus name; let it not be about any man, let it not be about any woman, let it be to the praise and glory of Your name.
I pray for everyone that will travel from the length and breadth of the world and especially those who’ll be traveling within the country, Father please preserve them in Jesus name; cover them in Jesus name; mark everyone for safety in Jesus name; let there be no any form of evil report after the convention; let there be no death, let there be no kidnap, let there be no accident, let there be no affliction, let there be none declare missing at the end of it; at the end of everything, Your name alone will be glorified; thank You glorious Father.
Once again we ask of You, bless us today and speak to us in a special way, in Jesus wonderful name we have prayed.
Good morning church and happy new month to every one of you; the month of August is our month of celebration and the truth of the matter is that our celebrations have begun and nothing will stop it in Jesus name.
Ezekiel 28: 12 – 17, “Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyre, us and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 13Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
14Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. 15Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
16By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. 17Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee”.
My prayer for every one of us under the influence of my voice this morning is that the Lord will not cast you out of His presence; whatever you will do, covertly or overtly that will make you to be denied of the presence of God, I pray once again that the grace of God will be sufficient for every one of us not to be involved in Jesus name.
By the grace of God, today I will continue in this series that we started last month, that is “Celebrating the Incomparable One”, so this one will be part two of it and that will put an end to it (at least for now). Celebrating the Incomparable One – part two; of course, to celebrate like I told you simply means to commemorate, to acknowledge, to honor and (of course) to worship.
And ‘incomparable’ as the word sounds means without equal; without equal in content, in extent, without equal even in quality. In other words, when you talk about being ‘incomparable’, you talk about being matchless, you have no match; when you hear ‘he’s not my match’, in other words, they are not in any way comparable. And of course I went further to share with us the fact that God is incomparable in love; that He is incomparable in mercy; that He is incomparable in power; I told you that all power on earth and in heaven has been given to our God, and He in return, by reason of our identification with Him, He has given us power to become sons of God in terms of love.
The Bible says that ‘while we were yet sinners, He commended His love towards us’, so He made that appropriation even ahead of time by reason of His love; and John 3: 16 actually expresses that further, the Bible says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”; so that makes our God incomparable in love.
We also said that He’s incomparable in battle, our God is a Man of war; and when you go to the Bible, there are several references in the Bible confirming the fact that our God is a Man of war. In a particular reference, He was described as a Consuming Fire, and you know the potency of fire: once there is fire – I remember those days people will pray that there is no robber like fire, that may you never encounter fire; because when fire comes, it razes everything, it takes everything, it destroys everything; when the natural robber comes, they take what they want and what they like and they leave the rest, but fire is not the case, fire will consume everything, both the one it wants – in fact, it has no preference, everything is …
I pray in the name of Jesus for every one of you that you will not have problem of fire in the mighty name of Jesus.
And of course I remember when I was trying to sum up that our God is a game changer. I told you that He has that divine ability to take care of everything, there is no situation that God cannot turn around, and that is why you need to praise Him today; it doesn’t matter how hopeless you think your situation is, God has the capacity to turn it around, and He will do just that today in the name of Jesus Christ.
Today I want to start by saying that man has limited power and capabilities that cannot be compared with God limitless power. God is greater than us regardless of our class, regardless of our status; you may be a president, you may be anything, but the fact remains that God is greater than every man and because God is greater than every man, we have no any other ocean, we have no any better option than to reverence God and to serve Him faithfully because He is incomparable; but it is most unfortunate that some people allow the devil to tempt them into behaving as God; you’ll find that all over the place – at work, even in the church, everywhere, in the various segments of our community, you’ll see some people who are puffed up, who equate position with absolute power; they think they can do and undo.
It was that same action that caused Satan his place in heaven according to that scripture that we read; Satan was the original choir master in heaven, he was a super singer; whenever he ministered, it was always awesome, and of course the success of his ministry got a better part of him, he became puffed up until God almighty sent him out of heaven. He lost his heavenly honor and lost his splendor; he attempted to compare himself with the incomparable God in heaven, alas he failed, and God cast him to the earth, and of course immediately, he was sentenced to eternal damnation. I pray that that will not be the portion of every one of us here today in Jesus name.
So we as humans need to submit to God and honor Him dearly; on no condition must we equate ourselves with God, but we should rather honor and worship Him at all times for He is worthy to be praised.
There are many reasons why as a people we must submit to God and serve Him:
Number one: the goodness of God has no limit and this can be felt in our peaceful atmosphere; beautiful sunshine, pleasant rainfall and many other resources that He has blessed us with.
We must bear in mind consciously, the fact that we are worthless without God’s support; our lives are completely dependent on God. I was sharing with them during the workers and ministers meeting this morning that I saw a man in the plane, he was well-looking, well built, there was no any trace of illness, but we found out that he could not move, he could not carry himself; whenever he needs to change direction or to use the loo, he had to signal for help, and I heard him saying ‘oh I am very weak’; and then that ministered something to me, so one can be alive, looks healthy (let me put it that way) and yet be weak.
We want to thank God that this morning, every one of us walked into this auditorium; if you are here and you are strong, I want you to shout hallelujah; to demonstrate your fitness, rise on your feet and shout hallelujah.
Sometimes, we don’t appreciate these things until we find or we see people who suffer; looking good, well-dressed, but lack the stamina, the strength to carry himself.
Our incomparable Father makes life beautiful for us. In Acts 17: 28, the Bible says it is in Him we live, we move and we have our being; He possesses the sovereign power to do and undo, and guess what, God is unquestionable, praise the Lord! He has the power to make or to mar; He has absolute control over us all and so He deserves to be glorified.
Number two: He showers His grace and goodness on anyone that recognizes His supremacy and serves Him adequately. God is a gracious God, He’s unquestionable; whatever He does, no man can query, and that’s why each time I hear this song, there is a way it touches my heart, I always become emotional: ‘Olorun ti a ko le da’duro, mo gbe o ga o, Olorun ti a ko le da’duro, mo gbe o ga o’.
It goes to say ‘Olorun ti a ko le da l’ejo’; we cannot judge Him, we cannot stop Him, we cannot query Him, whatever He does is full and final, He’s unquestionable. A president cannot do what God will do and get away with it, praise the Lord! But whatever He does, no man can query Him, our God is incomparable in forgiveness (add it to the one I gave to you last month).
God’s forgiveness flows from the destruction and condemnation of sin in atoning death dead of His Son Jesus Christ, as he bore our sins at Calvary. I remember those days we used to sing ‘on the way to Calvary He died for me, He died for me, He died for me; on the way to Calvary He died for me, He died to set me free’.
He’s incomparable in forgiveness; many of us, thank God we are not God; even though forgiveness is a prerequisite to answered prayer, many of you will still not forgive, but God is incomparable in forgiveness. In Proverbs 28:13, the Bible says ‘whosoever shall covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoever confesses and forsake them, God will forgive’.
When He was teaching His disciple the act of prayer in Matthew 4, He said ‘forgive our sins as we forgive those who trespass against us’, you should ask yourself that question, how easy do you forgive? Our God is incomparable in forgiveness; our God is incomparable in righteousness; God identifies Himself as the Holy One according to Isaiah 40: 25 & 26, it says, “To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One. The answer is no. (He said) Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who has created these things, that bringeth out their host by number; he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth”.
Our God is above failure, He faileth not; holiness describes the uniqueness of God, the otherness of God; His uniqueness, separate and above from the scriptures, He alone is God and it also points to the fact that only God is morally pure and perfect;
He’s pure light with no darkness; God abhors no wrinkles, He abhors no spots, and that’s why even Jesus Christ said ‘I’m coming for a church without spots or wrinkles’, there is no impurity with God, there is no immorality with God, there is no shortcut with God, there are no misgivings with God; our God is the only One, righteous, holy and perfect, there are no two sides to God.
I’ve heard even great men saying, when I decide on something, it is full and final? Who are you?
Our God is incomparable in patience; our God is relentlessly patient, slow to anger all because He doesn’t want anyone to perish. Exodus 34: 6, “And the Lord passed before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth”. God is longsuffering, how longsuffering are you?
In 2nd Peter 3: 9, it says “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”. If you are here today and you’ve mistaken the patience of God for slackness, then you are playing with fire. The whole essence of His long suffering, the whole essence of His patience up to this moment is such that no one will perish; He’s giving every one of us a long rope to pull so that at the end of the day we’ll have no excuse.
The beauty of God is perfect patience, slow to anger; that is the beauty of God’s perfect patience; however, I would like to implore us today not to take His patience for granted. The tendency is there for us to take it for granted, but I beg you because that scripture in 2nd Peter 3: 9 is very instructive.
God is incomparable in faithfulness. The faithfulness of God is demonstrated by sacrificing His One and only Son Jesus for those who will come to Him. Deuteronomy 7: 9 says “Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his Commandments”. God is faithful.
In Lamentation 3: 22 &23, it says “It’s of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassion faileth not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness”. Our God is incomparable in faithfulness, because great is the faithfulness of God according to the scripture.
And next to that is the fact that our God is incomparable in glory. Isaiah 42: 8 says “I am the Lord; that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images”. Brethren, God is incomparable in glory.
In Romans 8: 18, it talks about the glory that is yet to be revealed; it says “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us”, you need to realize that no man can give what he does not have; the present suffering, the present hardship, the present challenges you are going through is nothing to compare to the glory that God has reserved for us. And my prayer is that in the mighty name of Jesus, when the time is come to reap in glory, you will not be found wanting in Jesus name.
And lastly for today, our God is incomparable in praise. Psalm 103:1 – 9 is apt and relevant; the Bible tells us in Psalm 67 that when praises go up, blessings of the Lord come down; and today as you praise Him, as your praise is going up, blessings will be released unto you.
And this underscores the importance of praising God, and I tell people that one of the shortest routes to break through is actually through praise. Psalm 67: 5 & 6, it says “Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee”. How many of you are ready to praise God this morning? Praise the Lord!
6Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us”. If we want to be blessed this morning, rise on your feet and tell God I want to be blessed, but I will praise You, because it is in praising God that your art, your efforts, your vocation, your business will produce results.
So in conclusion this morning, I want to urge every one of us here today to be intentional in our service and our commitment to God. God is an incomparable God and there is absolutely nothing we desire of Him that He cannot give us if we create a space for Him in our lives.
How do we achieve this? It’s simply by accepting Him as our personal Lord and Savior, praise the Lord!
That would be our song this morning; you will sing it, I will sing it and we will sing it; that is for those who have had an encounter, but if you are here you have not had that encounter, you have not at any point confessed Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior, your prayer (this morning) will simply be Father, please have mercy on me; I pray for mercy and not for judgment, and of course you must make up your mind to renounce and to forsake sin, and the Lord will receive you unto Himself in Jesus name.
So before we take that song, I want all eyes closed, all heads bowed; if you are here this morning and you have prayed the prayer of mercy, can you please raise up your hand wherever you are.
Father, without any reservation we declare before You this morning that You are an incomparable God; you are unquestionable, You are unchangeable and You are unbeatable. Thank You for the entrance of Your word; thank You for the power that is in Your word, glory be to Your name in Jesus name.
We pray that the word we heard today will provoke a sense of gratitude in our heart in Jesus name. Thank You for Your children that have heard the word and said ‘God have mercy’, Lord please receive them unto Yourself in Jesus name; forgive their past in Jesus name; write their names in the Book of Life in Jesus name; and Lord Almighty God, the relationship that they entered into today, let it be a long-lasting one in Jesus name; keep them O Lord under Your arms and see them through in Jesus name.
We commit the rest of this service unto Your hands, please take preeminent, glorify Your name in our lives and bless us like never before, in Jesus wonderful name we have prayed.