Heavenly Father, from the depths of our hearts we declare Your praise this morning; we are grateful for all that You have done – for Your preservation, for Your protection, for Your guidance, for Your timely help and unceasing health; we want to say thank You. For bringing us from January to this moment, Lord, we return all the glory back to You, accept our thanks in Jesus name; accept our praises in Jesus name.
Father, You are the One, You are the cause, You are responsible for everything we are, for what we are and what we will ever be and for being alive today, it is not behind You; the devil was determined to have us but Lord, You checkmated the plans of the devil. Thank You for keeping us standing; thank You for keeping us happy; thank You for keeping us strong; thank You for keeping us healthy, accept our thanks in the name of Jesus Christ.
You have taken us through eleven good months and we know that it is nothing to You to see us through; Father Almighty we pray that You will keep our hope alive and You will cause us to end this year in praise in Jesus name. Let the remaining portion of this year be enjoyable, let it be pleasurable and let Your name be glorified; let it be full of signs and wonders, let it be full of testimonies and miracles in the name of Jesus Christ.
We pray for all Your children who have been faithful in the payment of their tithes and the giving of their offerings, my Lord and my Father, let every promise you have made concerning them find expression in their lives in Jesus name; make each and every one of them a delightsome land in Jesus name.
And so we commit this service unto Your hands, Lord, You are the One from the beginning, in our midst today, we pray for one thing that You will demonstrate Your Almightiness and at the end of everything, take all the glory, let the blessings be ours and let the shame be unto the devil, in Jesus wonderful name we have prayed.
If you are happy to see today, say a better amen! If you believe you will see the end of this year gloriously, joyfully, I want to have a tremendous amen! Let me tell you, nothing will happen to you; if anything is going to happen to you, it’s going to be positive, it’s going to be miracle, it’s going to be signs and wonders, so please, remain positive, no shaking. There may be rumblings and there will be rumblings but I can assure you that you are secured. Tell your neighbor ‘you are secured because you belong to God’, and so shall it be in Jesus name.
You are welcome to the month of November, our month of overflow; you know last month was double portion, and I told you that double portion means inheritance, joy, it ultimately translates to hope and I can assure you, after double portion, what follows is overflow and there is going to be overflow in your life: overflow of joy, overflow of peace, overflow of fulfillment, overflow of advancement and in every area in the mighty name of Jesus. You will not beg for food in the mighty name of Jesus; what is not enough will become more than enough.
The scripture is taken from Psalms 23:5, it says “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:… our cup runneth over”. I shared with them at the workers meeting that the Yoruba version says ‘e e je, e e mu, e e tun di l’ole’; in other words, you will eat, you will drink, you will be satisfied and there will be takeaway. It’s our month of divine takeaway; you are going to be full, your tank will be filled and there will be takeaway for you in every sense of it and so shall it be in Jesus name.
Tomorrow by the grace of God we’ll be having our prayer chain and the theme for tomorrow is “There is Power in Your Mouth”; so tomorrow we are going to pray, we are going to share the word of God so that you will know the quantum of power that is in your mouth, and by the time you begin to exercise that, you will discover that your life will transform and so shall it be in Jesus name. The time tomorrow is 6:30, I look forward to seeing you, the Lord will bless you in Jesus name.
The long awaited Holy Ghost Congress is behind the corner and the theme (as we are all aware) is “Divine Repositioning”. If you look at our declaration here with some of the themes, you will see a lot of correlation; you will think that maybe we sat down before some of these things were decided, but that tells you that God is in our midst.
I want to challenge you as we have been challenged by our father in the Lord, this must be widely publicized and fliers will be printed here by the grace of God within the next one week or so and be given out, and we expect you to do the needful – to reach out to people all around you. Let it not be that people did not hear about it; if they will not come, yes, they won’t come, but let it not be that their not coming is not on the account of not being told, the Lord will bless you in Jesus name.
I want to quickly serve the appetizer before the main dish is served by the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye; he’s fondly called Daddy G.O. Psalms 132: 2 – 5, “How he sware unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; 3Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; 4I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids, 5Until I find out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob”. May God bless the reading and the hearings of His words in the name of Jesus Christ.
This morning, I’ll be sharing with us on a topic “Celebrating His Almightiness”; I’m sure by now we all know that today, being the first Sunday of the month, presents us the opportunity to formally as a church come together to praise our God for all that He has done for us. It’s a formal opportunity and that needs to be emphasized because like I always say, every opportunity of human existence calls for thanksgiving. Whenever you sleep and you are able to wake up, calls for thanksgiving because it is not everyone that goes to bed on daily basis, (yes, you may not be aware but I’m sure you have heard of such in the past) that has the opportunity to come back to life.
So when you sleep and the following morning you have the rare opportunity to wake up, to see the light of the new day, it calls for thanksgiving. But the mission has been so deliberate in order to inculcate and sustain that consciousness of thanksgiving or showing gratitude to God, declared every first Sunday of the month as a general thanksgiving for all; so that being said, today, we are here to celebrate the Almightiness of God. The Almighty (as God’s title) is a Hebrew word and it simply means the El-Shaddai, which unarguably translates to God being the all-powerful One or the mighty One of Jacob, according to Genesis 49:24, “But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel)”.
We have heard the choir sang ‘my stone of help, only You I will worship’; the mighty God is referred as the Stone of Israel, the ‘Stone’ represents strength and might. So, the title ‘The Almighty God’ actually speaks to God’s ultimate power over all.
I was just smiling inside of me when we were taking the hymnal and one of the stanzas says ‘God is the God of all-in-all; He has power over everything’; and that was another confirmation that God has a hand in our presence here, God has a hand in our worship today and because He has His hands, I also believe that none of us will leave here today without being blessed in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Almighty has all the power and the might, and the first introduction to the name, ‘the Almighty’, is actually found in Genesis 17:1, “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect”. The first introduction to the title is captured in this scripture when God appeared to Abram; I pray today in the name of Jesus that the same way God appeared to Abram in the time of old, that same God will appear to someone under the influence of my voice today in Jesus name.
So talking about His Almightiness is actually talking about the real means of God’s power, talking about the real means of who God is, what He can do and what He represents in the life of every one of us. There is no way we can better appreciate all that God has done without bringing into perspective what He represents in our life. You cannot fully appreciate what God has done without you sitting down, counting your blessings one by one and trying to find out how did these blessings come about, then you will now find that there is a force, there is a God somewhere sitting in a corner orchestrating your blessing. There’s no way you can appreciate God sincerely without actually bringing to bear the thought about the Almightiness of God.
Brethren, I want to say this morning that no life is life without the Almightiness of God; no life is relevant or meaningful without God being at the center of such a life. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 45:5, “I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me”; our life is borrowed.
I told you I have a friend those days, he’s now in Canada, what he displayed perpetually on his DP then was ‘everyday is a bonus’; everyday as we live is a bonus: we are here this morning, we know what is happening currently but except by faith, none of us can rightly estimate what will happen by 6pm today, praise the Lord! Is there anyone in the house who can tell me what will happen by 6pm except you do it by faith? And that is one power that God has given to us, that’s additional strength God has given to us and that is what propels us, that is what energizes us, that’s where lies our motivation as believers because we are people of God, the Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen; so by faith we can say 6pm today is going to be a glorious day, it’s going to be a glorious moment, it’s going to be a peaceful moment, it’s going to be a pleasurable moment; no harm will come near your house; no harm will come near your children; no bad news will come near you; you will give no bad news and you will receive none in the mighty name of Jesus.
Our life is borrowed and when something is borrowed, you don’t seem to have control, at a time you least expect, the owner might just come and say please, I have need for my stuff. You remember the sons of prophet that went to Jordan, they had a good ambition, good passion, good commitment but the devil touched the most critical thing and the axe head fell, but thank God that there was someone by their side just as God is by our side, and I pray in the name of Jesus that in every area that the enemy has touched the critical things of your life, today, there will be a divine intervention in Jesus name.
A divine intervention always bring what you call ‘overriding power’, because God is powerful than the devil, and that’s why we are here today to celebrate that power, the Almightiness, what made God the Almighty, what makes Him God, and I pray today as we praise Him together, from the depths of our hearts, with every heart of sincerity, God will show up for every one of us in the name of Jesus Christ.
Don’t forget that God has the final say about the affairs of man; it doesn’t matter whatever anybody is saying about you, it doesn’t make any difference; even your parents don’t have the final say over your life, your boss does not have the final say over your life; there is this saying that man proposes but God disposes. Lamentations 3:37 says who is he that has declared when the Lord has not declared? Somebody has told me before, I will make sure you never become a pastor, (it’s not something I can be saying); he said ‘you will never become an area pastor’, I looked at him, what did I take from you? But here we are today, no man has the final say, don’t let anybody make your life miserable and say you will not amount to something, you will amount to something , you will exceed expectations.
I prophesy into your life, you will amount to something, you will exceed expectations, you will go beyond your target in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Your stoppers are not born yet and they will never be born in the name of Jesus.
Why must we celebrate His Almightiness?
Number 1: He’s the Almighty, Genesis 49:25, “Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee: and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb”.
Can you imagine? I think you are in for a great thing this morning; what else can a man ask for? The Almighty is your helper; brethren, it is not for nothing that you are here today in spite of your challenges, and let me tell you, if God does not help you, if God does not bless you, who else can help you or bless you? By the apostolic authority, I declare you blessed today; with heavenly blessings you are blessed; with the blessings underneath, you are blessed; the blessings within the breasts, you are blessed; the blessings if the womb, you are blessed; every womb shut, I declare open today in the name of Jesus.
David said I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help; (he said) my help cometh from the Lord, the Almighty.
Number 2: He’s the Creator of heaven and earth, Genesis 14:19, “And he blessed him, and said, blessed be Abram of the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth”; He is the mighty Creator and the possessor of heaven and earth. The Bible tells us in Psalms 50:10 that “For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills”; everything belongs to God, He’s the possessor of heaven, He’s the possessor of earth; everything in heaven, everything on earth, God possesses, and guess what, God is a liberal God, generous, kindhearted, He’s not greedy and He’s willing to give to every man and I know today, you won’t miss your own portion.
Number 3: He’s the builder of everything, Hebrews 3:4, “For every house is builded by some man, but he that built all things is God”. Men are the builders of houses but every other thing including even the houses – who built the builder, that’s the question.
Brethren, God is our architect and our builder, and that’s why you must delight in whom God has made you to be. If you are short, take pride in your height; if you are tall, take pride in your height; if you are fat, take pride in it, if you want to do exercise, do exercise but don’t kill yourself, and if you are lean, take pride in it, God is your architect and builder, why must you continue to hate yourself when you are not the one that created yourself? Our sisters: I’m too fat, I’m too short, then you look for high heels and everyday you keep falling, God is your builder, He built you, praise the Lord!
Psalms 139:14 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made; you are fearfully and wonderfully made, declare that to yourself, take pride in your size, everybody will not be slim, everybody will not be fat, everybody will not be tall, everybody will not be short, and if you are short, why don’t you pray, there’s nothing God cannot do, don’t underestimate the Almightiness of God, God can increase your height.
You heard the testimony that baba said that the man was too short; you know when you are too short, you’ll begin to feel in a way, if you are short here, God will increase your height, I don’t know by how many inches, you and God will determine that. That Psalms says marvelous are Your words.
Number 4: the Bible says He’s the King of heaven, Daniel 4:37, “Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase”. Brethren, everything God does is right, His ways are just, and I want to tell you today that it’s not a mistake that you are a Nigerian, praise the Lord! His ways are … you are not an error to be in Nigeria, so it doesn’t matter your impression about Nigeria, it’s this same Nigeria that God will deliver us; this generation and the future generation have no other country than Nigeria, the best we can do is for us to team up, change our attitude, bring back our value system that is already corrupted, and everybody has a role to play, the government alone cannot do it, the pastor alone cannot do it.
I’ve heard people blame the church, ‘oh, the church is not doing well’ when it comes to the upbringing of the children, how many hours does your child spend in the church? The Bible says if the foundation be destroyed, there is nothing the righteous can do, shall we rise on our feet.
We are here to celebrate the Almightiness of God – what He is, what He can do and of course what He cannot do, God cannot fail , God does not disappoint and God is not a liar; Bible says He’s the possessor of the heaven and earth; His ways, His judgment are right, there is no controversy about it, but today, we owe Him only one obligation and it’s simply to praise Him, but if you are here, you have not given your life to Christ, because the Bible says the sacrifice of a sinner is an abomination to God. Now, you just suffer it and the intention is not also right, so I want you to pick a song of your choice and sing to the glory of God.
If you are here and you want God to take control of your life, you want God to have His way in your life; you want God to terminate frustration, to terminate failure, to terminate stagnation, to terminate loneliness in your life, as we sing that song, all heads bowed, all eyes closed…
[Altar call]
May God accept our worship; may the Lord Almighty God on the accounts of our worship today meet you all at the points of your needs in Jesus name. I pray that the possessor of heaven will open unto you the treasure of heaven and release His blessings upon you and your thanksgiving offering will find acceptance from Him today; blessed be the name of the Lord forever, in Jesus wonderful name we have prayed.