Heaven on Earth Family

November 17, 2024

Hallelujah! Has God done great things in your life? Has He done anything at all in your life? Do you belong to at least one family? Why not let’s begin to give thanks to God, let us bless His holy name for the great things that He has done, let us give Him all the glory, let us give Him all honor, let us give Him all adoration, let us bless His holy name; He’s our Sustainer, He’s our help in ages past, our hope for the years to come, let us bless Him, let’s magnify Him, exalt Him.


It is not of he that willeth or of he that runneth, is of the Lord that showeth mercy; let us thank God Almighty for the mercy He has shown unto us, it’s only by His mercy that we are not consumed that we’re standing here this morning, Father we appreciate You, we bless You, Father we bless Your name, we honor You, we adore You, thank You Lord, thank You Father, in Jesus wonderful name we have given thanks. 


Father we thank You; we thank You oh Lord because You love us, we thank You also because we know that You are here in our midst: the Bible says where two or more people are gathered in Your name, there You are in their midst; thank You Lord because You are here. Father we thank You because You are here for our sake (Father) to meet us at the points of our needs and in particular to visit our homes, our families, our generations, and that You will do today in the name of Jesus. 


Lord God of heaven, we pray Lord that none of us will leave here without a touch from You in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank You heavenly Father, as we go into Your word, Lord we ask that You speak to us expressly, You give us understanding and the grace oh Lord to do the word You will release onto us in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank You heavenly Father, in Jesus mighty name we prayed. Let somebody shout hallelujah! Praise the Lord! 


I welcome you all, good morning daddies, mommies, brothers, sisters to His presence this morning, the Lord bless You in the name of Jesus. First, I’m standing here only because there is life in me and the source of life is God, so I acknowledge God for that life and for you also; I’d like to also appreciate our father in the Lord, the APICR, for this privilege that I have to minister this morning, I pray that the Lord Almighty will continue to enable and empower you sir in the name of Jesus.


Our family weekend is an annual event in the annals of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, so for this year it started on Thursday the 14th and we’re rounding off today with a thanksgiving shortly, but it has been a wonderful time, if you’ve missed any of it, please go to our website and just refresh yourself of some of the things, it may not be exactly the same but please just still have a taste – a bit of what has happened, but going forward, please don’t miss such fantastic events, God will bless all our families in the name of Jesus. 


Prayer chain – Monday by the grace of God, at 6:30 in the evening, we’ll have prayer chain; for this week, the theme is ‘In the Day of His Power’, Psalm 110: 1-4, this theme must already tell you what’s about to come, please don’t miss it for any reason, amen. 


Please turn with me to the Book of Ephesians 3:14 – 19, “For this cause I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with his might with might by Spirit in the inner man; 17That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, 18May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God”. Praise God! 


The theme or the topic is in alignment with the theme for the family weekend which is ‘Heaven on Earth Family’, praise the living Jesus! So we’ll quickly look at the key – heaven, earth, family, let’s just look at it in sequence and then we look at the view of family and then see what it takes to have an heaven on earth family and see how or what we need to do to be there.

So heaven, what is heaven? Growing up when they talk about heaven, the first thing that we do is just look up and say heaven is up there as a child, but much more than heaven is up there; heaven is a beautiful and secure place, Revelation 21: 1-4 tells us that, no more mourning, no more sorrow, no more pain and then the description of the heaven is truly and genuinely beautiful, praise the living Jesus!


Heaven is the abode of our God, is where God lives, where He resides with His angels and saints; Isaiah 66:1, the Bible tells us thus saith the Lord, the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool, praise the living Jesus! Jesus presented heaven to us as His Father’s house in John 14: 1-3, He says I’ll go to my father’s house and prepare a place for you, and then I’ll come back and take you so that where I am you may be there also; so that’s heaven in His Father’s house. 


What is heaven? Heaven is where everything operates according to the will of God; for example, the Bible in 3rd John 2 says my desire is that you prosper in soul and spirit, but does it happen that way all the time? No, but in heaven, the will of God is what happens, heaven is where the will of God operates at all time. Matthew 6:9 &10 says let it be on earth as it is in heaven, praise God! Then heaven is a place of ineffable peace and joy, everlasting peace, that passage I referred to earlier, Revelation 21: 1 – 4, you see that if you have a description like that there will be peace that you can virtually touch, and there will be unending joy, heaven is a place of non ending praise and worship. 


Revelation 4: 10 & 11, heaven is a place of joy and peace, so you can imagine the description of heaven, imagine then if there was a family in heaven what it would look like, so what we are talking about this morning is ‘heaven on earth family’, so what is the earth? Earth is where we are, hallelujah! 

Earth is where human beings live at least temporarily; it’s a temporary living place of man according to 2 Corinthians 5: 1 & 2, it says that we know that this our earthly house will be destroyed and then it will give way; the tent that we live in will give way unto a building (a house) built by God, so earth is a temporary living place of man.


Earth is a place of formlessness, a place of chaos, a place of disorderliness, Genesis 1: 1-3 tells us God looks down and see that there’s darkness everywhere, there’s chaos, there’s disorderliness, that’s what the earth is. The devil is the prince of the earth, God reigns in His throne in heaven, the devil says okay, You sent me out of heaven, I’m here, let me organize things here also. John 21: 31-32 and 2 Corinthians 4:4, the dwellers here on earth, the Bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful, so that’s why you see man you see deceit, you see wickedness and other things that will exhibit because here on earth, that’s like the order of the day, but it doesn’t matter that the enemy or the devil decides that he wants to take control there, the Bible tells us also in that Isaiah 66: 1 that heaven is my throne and the earth is His footstool, so whatever the devil does here on earth, God can say I cancel it because it’s His footstool, praise the living Jesus!


So I pray for you today, whatsoever the enemy the devil is doing in your home, because the earth is God’s footstool, God will cancel it today in the name of Jesus. 


So what you can see before we leave, you’ll see that both heaven and the earth were created by God, Genesis 1:1, in the beginning, God created heaven and earth; both the heaven and the earth were created by God, so He has control over it. 

Let’s look at family, what’s a family? I had to look at some dictionary and some definitions online, according to the Health Resources and Services Administration, a family is a group of two or more people related by birth, by blood or adoption, who are living together. So how can we have a family? Somebody gave birth to me – my father and mother, so I became a member of that family. How can we be in a family? As they gave birth to me, they also gave birth to my siblings, so my brothers and sisters because we share common blood we’re family. How can we be a member of a family? By adoption, you can adopt a child, and you remember for all of us, the Bible says we were grafted into the body of Christ, God also adopted us as children and then we became members of the family of God. 


The family is also a group of persons who are united again by ties of blood, so the commonality in what defines a family is blood, marriage or adoption, and there will be at least two people that make up a family. So the most basic form of a family is father, mother and a child or children, in fact just a man and a woman is enough. In Genesis 2: 18 – 21, the Bible tells us that God conducted the first marriage and the first family was birthed – Adam and Eve, that’s the first family, hallelujah! 


So that takes me to the next point, the first family was set up by God, that means family is also God’s design, so heaven on earth family, heaven created by God, earth created by God, family designed by God, so everything is in the hands of God, praise the living Jesus! So God is the Originator and Designer of the family. 


Now we have talked about family in its most basic form, I want us to do a bit of journey into an expansion into what family can mean, what else can family mean beyond just these things? So we can then begin to expand family to the communal family; if you live in a neighborhood, can you begin to then see your neighbors, people who live around you as members of a family which is a communal family. 


For example, in Luke 7: 11-15, the Bible tells us that there was a widow of Nain who lost her only son, and as they were going out of the city, they said she was not alone, that her neighbors were with her, that is communal family; so wherever you live, from today, begin to see members of your estate, members of your neighborhood, the people you interact with day and night, every now and then as family members. 


Another expansion of family is you can have the office family, you can have professional family, you can have business family; of course from the name you know that these are colleagues at work, people in your same line of business, your professional colleagues. For example, I’m a professional accountant, so whenever we have an ICAN event and you see an accountant, you will say oh, we are professional colleagues, I’m saying we are family. 


In Luke 5: 1 – 11, the Bible tells us that Peter and his other competitors, fishermen like him, they’ve tried all day and they caught nothing, and then Jesus borrowed the boat of Peter and used it, and then after that Jesus decided to say thank you. Peter got a lot and he realized that my other professional colleagues had nothing, he called them and said come, let us share the booty, what is he saying? We are family, so even your professional colleagues, people in your line of business, even though because of man instinct you are looking at them as competitors, can we begin to see ourselves as family. 


The next expansion of family that I want us to see is the spiritual family; we are composed of body, soul and spirit, just as we have families in the body, we also have the spiritual family, hallelujah! People who share the same spiritual beliefs are members of one family, for example, Christians; the Bible tells us that we are member of a family called the body of Christ, the Greek word ‘Ecclesia’, which means church, is also interpreted to be assembly of people who are called out of them, people who are separated and then we say we are Christians. 


So for example, you go outside Nigeria and you see a Christian brother or sister, say the Lord bless you, the person says the Lord bless you, you’ll say we are family, so there’s a spiritual family. I want to talk a bit about that, Romans 8:14 – 17 tell us that if the Spirit of God is in you, that is you are a child of God indeed, you’re a Christian indeed, you are led by the Spirit of God, and because you are led by the Spirit of God you qualify to be called a son or a daughter of God. If you are son and daughter, what does that make you? God is your Father, that’s you are a member of the family of God, the spiritual family. 


Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of Father, but He’s also the Son of the Father, so we also are connected to Jesus Christ by reason of being sons and daughters of God, He’s our Senior Brother, so we are heirs of God because we are sons and daughters, but we are also joint heirs with Christ because Jesus Christ is also the Son of God, so there is a spiritual family, hallelujah! 

1st Corinthians 12: 12-27 tells us that we are members of one body, they are different members, so I want to … Now when we talk about church, bringing it closer, so somebody says I’m CAC, somebody says I’m MFM, somebody says I’m RCCG, we often forget that those are only components, units that help us operate, we all belong to one Father and we all belong to one body which is called the body of Christ, so let us not from today ever say my church is better than yours,, there’s nothing so called, we are members of one family, the only person that can judge who does  better or well is God. 


1st Corinthians 3: 6, the Bible says I Paul, I planted, Apollos watered, God bring the increase, what he’s saying is that all of you whatsoever you do, I choose at the end of the day to bless it in my own way, and that passage goes further and says we are workers together in His vineyard, so why should anybody glory in ‘my church is better, my church is bigger, my GO is richer’, it’s all about man, please from today, we are members of one family called the body of Christ, spiritual family. 


So another family is the global family; the world may be divided into countries, into tribes, into races, but do you know that everybody on the globe belongs to one family? Praise the living Jesus! In the beginning, God created one man, Adam, Genesis 1:26 – 28, and then the family of the earth started, then a few things happened, then the world ended God, created it again starting with Noah in Genesis 9: 1-3, and then after Noah, God created again starting with Abraham in Genesis 12, it says by you, all the nations of the earth will be blessed, so wherever man is today – Australia, France, all over the world, we are all members of one family, the globe, everybody is a member of one family, praise the living Jesus! 


So why am I going this way, we will see it soon; everyone on earth today is a descendant of Abraham which was the last man that God gave the Covenant of family to. What are the attributes of our earthly families? As we know it strive, backbiting, deceit, wickedness, unforgiveness, all of that; so what about heavenly family, giving what we know about heaven, you would expect an heavenly family to be peace, love, healing, harmony, perfection, success, glorious, so the topic today is how can we move from where we are today, the earthly family, and begin to operate as an heavenly family, and that’s the reason why I went through the series of the expansions of family so we will not limit ourselves to my brother and sister alone. 


So what is heaven on earth family? To achieve the heaven on earth family status, the earthly family has to become a mirror image of the heavenly family, do we agree? And I said earlier, heaven was created by God, earth was created by God, the first family God started it, everything must operate according to the heartbeat of God, the way God wants it, and that’s the only way that there will be harmony, praise the living Jesus! 


So we are going to look at a number of factors, I’ll break them into two categories, one, I’ll call the inward attributes or the things that we must do between us and God to help ourselves, and then we’ll look at the second category which are the outward ones that we must do among us as members of one family. Now when I talk about family, church family is a family, professional family is a family, the black man or the white man or the red man somewhere else is a family, praise the living Jesus! 


So the first one, let’s start with the in inward one, we must follow God’s order and design for family as a priority, because if we don’t follow it we will be working against the manufacturer’s design. The heavenly order is God first, then the father – the husband, the wife, the children and all that, but what do we find in our world today? In some places is the children that call the shot, that family can never be a

heaven on earth family because it has disrupted the order. 


1st Corinthians 14: 40, the Bible says let us do everything in order, accordingly, decently, and Matthew 6: 33 says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, it is only when we seek God’s mind, God’s will, concerning family then that we can achieve that which is called the heaven on earth family, praise the living Jesus! 


How else can we do this? We must invite God into our home, I love that song ‘God, give us Christian homes’, we sing that song but you know what, there is something we must do, God will not just come and say Christian family take, I dash you, if that’s the way it works everybody will have heaven on earth family, but there’s a place of work, so what else must we do? We must invite God to be part of the home at all times, God must be a constant factor in your family, in your home, all the time, and one of the easiest ways to make God a constant factor in your home at all times is to praise Him and worship Him at all times. 


The Bible says in Psalm 22:3, God inhabits the praise of His people; when you praise the Lord Almighty He will be there, He goes nowhere and the Bible says in John 4:23 & 24, how do we praise and worship God, in spirit and in truth, not singing, praise and worship that will keep God as a member of the family, praise the living Jesus! The Bible also tells us John 14: 23 & 24, Jesus Christ says I and my father will make our abode in your house, so you can have Jesus, you can have God, you can have the heavenly being a part of your earthly family and then you have things working, hallelujah! 


The third one is that we must trust God always, even when things are not working well; I may not see it, I may not know it, but I know that He’s working things out for me. Today may not look good but I hold on to His promises, the Bible says His promises are yea and amen; I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end; but there are many times in life we are saying God, this thing I have seen from January to October, if it repeats itself in November, I’ll begin to doubt You, don’t doubt God, if He says He will keep you, it means He will keep you; if He says He’s working things out for you, it means He’s working it out, so what must we do, trust God.


Proverbs 3: 5 – 8, trust the Lord in all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Brethren, if there’s any time that we must hold on tenaciously to the word and promises of God as we find it in the Scripture, it is now, we see things that are contrary to expectations, and sometimes if you are not strong enough you are thinking is there still God? Does God still answer prayers? Yes brethren, there is still God, yes brethren, God still answers prayers, does God know what I’m going through? Yes, He does, He will work things out for you. 


When Hannah, in 1st Samuel 1, people were making a mockery of her, within her, if she was saying is there still God? In 1st Samuel 2, God proved Himself, He says I’m alive, I exist, I’m here for you. God is here for you, God is here for your family in the mighty name of Jesus.


Job 1, you know what Job went through; chapter 2 wasn’t pleasant, but in chapter 42 there was a complete turnaround; as the Lord lives there will be a complete turnaround in your homes, in your families in the mighty name of Jesus. 


Now let us look at the outward attributes, the ones between us and fellow human beings, things that we must do for us to have the heaven on earth family; the first one I put here is we must seek the good and well-being of our family members, not necessarily my blood brother now, (you remember the definition of family – blood, adoption, marriage and also connection again by community and all that). So we must seek the good of everybody, the state of our community today, the state of the world today, the state of the church today is a reflection of how far different we are from what God expects of us. 


The different families we talked about earlier, what we see today is a reflection of how we live with our neighbors, with our business partners, with our church members, with members of the spiritual family; you’ll see somebody, you’ll say because we are wearing a wrist band of one church and I’m of the other church, I don’t have time for you, I’ll go for my own. 


Imagine in our world today, let’s come back close home, we see people who we elect to go and represent us at the senate or different places and every month they give them allocations and say go and fix your community, and the person decided to put it in personal accounts, what that person has done is that he’s maltreating his neighbors, members of the community, members of the country, the person does not understand the concept of family as we have seen it this morning, the person will send his own biological children abroad and everything, thinking he’s taking care of children, but that’s a limited view of taking care of children.


Brethren, do you know there are many students today who are struggling to remain in school only because the school fees is just ₦25,000 per term, but that money is what some of us used to buy snacks and we are calling them our neighbors, are we truly family? Praise the living Jesus! Can you imagine how many billionaires we have and right in the same ‘family’ where those billionaires come from, there are people who are hungry, there are people who cannot pay hospital bills, there are people who cannot send children to school, people who have withdrawn children from school and you are billionaires, we need to begin to lift our gaze and see the concept of family in a different way, praise the living Jesus! 


Recently, I asked myself some questions and one of them is this; truly, when we come many of us brag and say we are successful, 10 years ago I was on this level, now I’m here, so I’ve been promoted; 20 years ago I was living in a village called Okokomaiko, now I’m living in Ikoyi among the high and mighty and say I’m successful, but can any of us truly claim to be successful when we have members of our families who are suffering? Can any of us truly claim to have achieved success if somebody who we relate with on a daily basis cannot find their feet?


So what must we do? There are many widows among us, there are many orphans among us, there are people who are suffering, there are homeless people, there are desolate people, we must share in the pain of our family members – now, expanded family definition, we must share in their pains, we must care for the needy. Proverbs 19: 17, the Bible says the one who has pity on the poor lendeth to God; Proverbs 28:27, the Bible says he that giveth unto the poor shall not lack; we must help the needy, we must help the widows, there are people who are widows and it’s not any fault of theirs, who when their husbands were alive you were their family friends, as soon as their husbands die you turn your back on them.


What is family? We must help orphans, people who don’t have anywhere to turn, they call you Uncle in the good times and anytime they call, you say I’m busy, please call me later and your phones ring perpetually. James 1:27, the Bible says pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world; we must not defraud our neighbors, if you have public funds in your care, apply it to public purpose, don’t convert it for personal use, if you do that you are destroying family. 


Don’t do evil to family members; don’t backbite, don’t talk about somebody behind you because he’s a competitor, you remember there is a professional family, this person is your competitor, face your own business, try to see how you can achieve excellence, don’t run down another person, don’t talk down on people, don’t destroy people’s emotions: there are people you talk to and say you, you call yourself a human being, your mates are already here, and the person spends the next 3 days crying, let’s be mindful of what we say to people, we are talking family. 

If we help our family members, if we allow them to put their heads on our shoulder, if we shoulder their problems with them such that everybody is living well, our world will be a different place, we’ll talk less about yahoo- yahoo boys, we’ll talk less about insecurity, we’ll talk less about stealing, we’ll talk less about kidnapping, so indeed when we say take care of others because of family, you’re actually taking care of yourself. 


The next outward thing that we need to do is show them the way of Salvation, 2nd Corinthians 5:18 – 20, God has called you and I who are believers, who know Him into a ministry of reconciliation, and He calls us ambassadors. Who is an ambassador? An ambassador is one who represents a king in the court of another king, so wherever you find yourself, within that professional setting, in the country or out of the country, you are an ambassador for Christ and the Bible says go into the ministry of reconciliation, let us tell other people about Jesus Christ, we are saved to save others. 


In the days when I was striving to get born again, it was a fact then, you know ‘I’m born again, I’m born again, hey unbell, unbell’, so even those of us that were not truly born again then would say I’m born again because it was a good thing to be born again but it doesn’t stop that way, when you get saved, you are saved to save others. 1st Peter 2: 9 &10, it calls us beautiful names and it says that those of us who used to be in darkness, God has brought us into His marvelous light so that we can show forth his praise to people. You can show forth his light to people who never had that light; we are saved to save others.


God does not take pleasure in the death of sinners, so if there’s any member of the family, whether the immediate family, communal family, business family, world family or church family, God does not take pleasure in the death of any sinner, if any of them is a sinner, God is saying I’m not happy that they die; if God is not happy that they die, we must do something about it. Ezekiel 3: 18 & 19, it says when I say unto the wicked, thou shall surely die; and thou givest him not warning (if you don’t warn them), nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require of you.


The next point, we who are saved must take interest therefore in the salvation of our family members, Romans 10:  13 -17, it says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, the same shall be saved; how then shall they call on Him in whom they’ve not heard? How then shall they hear Him if no one is sent to speak to them? How then shall they if there’s nobody to go? Brethren, there are people who have not heard Him, family members, you have family meetings, you have family parties, you’ve never told them about Jesus Christ, are they truly your family members? You have colleagues in the office, you have business partners, you’ve never told them of your salvation experience, let’s begin to tell them about Jesus Christ, praise the living Jesus! 


Let’s quickly look at biblical examples, in Acts 16, there was a Jailer there, the moment he found out that Paul and Silas were free, he wanted to kill himself and then they called him we are here, and then they ministered salvation to him, what was the first thing he did? He said excuse me I’m coming sir, he went to his home, he told every member of his family come and accept Jesus Christ – family.


The Samaritan woman in John 4, the moment she met with Jesus Christ and realized that this is the Lord, she said excuse me sir I’m coming sir, she left her pot of water, ran to the city and called everybody saying I have found the Messiah, come and be connected to Him also – family. 


The mad man of Gadara in Mark 5, as soon as he was made whole, the Bible says in verse 20, he went to Decapolis, a city, and began to publish the word, began to talk about Jesus Christ – family. At that time, the mad man of Gadara had no family member, nobody visited him where he was, but he knew that he had responsibility to communal family, hallelujah! 


How many great things has God done for you? Have you told family members in the bigger understanding now of what family is, have you told them about Jesus Christ? You must share the good news with all your neighbors, with all your colleagues at work, business partners, members of church, the world all over. 


Summary: both the heaven and the earth as we learn it were created by God, God is also the Originator and Designer of families, therefore, the heaven on earth family cannot be achieved outside of God, do we agree with that? We have significant roles to play, it seems we have been playing the ostrich up until now, with our eyes open to the understanding of what family means, let’s begin to touch the light, let’s begin to impact people positively, from today make up your mind you will not talk down on anybody, as a matter of fact, find somebody and take somebody as a project and say I will by the grace of God inspire this person’s life, family, it may not be your blood. 


Some of our societal ills today (as I said earlier) will be wiped out if we truly walk family the way it should be, if we truly have heaven on earth family, it’s never late, we can start now, the best time to start is today. 2nd Corinthians 6:14 -17, the Bible says be you not yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? 15And what concord hath Christ got to do with Belial? Or what part hath unbelievers with an Infidel? 16And what agreement hath the temple of God with Idols? For we are the temple of the Living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 


God is willing, He’s ready, His hands are open to be our God, if there’s anyone here who does not know God, you heard about Him but you’ve never experienced Him, you’ve never really given yourself or never really surrendered your life to Him to be your Lord and Savior, come, surrender to Him and He will be your God. What He’s saying is that I’m ready to make the heaven on earth family possible with you, there are many people who are going through challenges, who are going through tough times and you are thinking is anybody thinking about me? Does anybody know me in this whole wide world? God knows you, just come to Him.


[Altar call]


Brethren, let us rise up, let’s begin to give thanks to God, let us thank the Lord Almighty, Father I thank You, I thank You for the power in Your word, I thank You for the exposition of Your word this morning. Father I thank You for family, I thank You for making me a part of a family, Father I thank You for making me a part of the spiritual – the God family and the global family; thank You Lord Jesus, Father thank You. Thank You for Your promises are yea and amen, glory be to Your name forever more, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. 


We are going to pray again and say Father, please release upon me the grace to be family member indeed to members of my family, help me oh Lord to help, help me oh Lord to support, help me oh Lord to counsel, help me oh Lord to do that which You need me to do in the mighty name of Jesus. Father please help me, Lord please help me, help me oh Lord in the mighty name of Jesus, thank You heavenly Father, in Jesus wonderful name we have prayed. 


There are many families going through challenges right now, that is not the design of God for family, He’s a merciful God and there’s no situation He cannot turn around, so we are going to ask Him now and say Father, by Your mercy, visit me and my family members, visit my family, visit my home, turn things around oh Lord for me in my favor in the name of Jesus; turn things around oh Lord for me and in my favor, visit me and my family members oh Lord, Father please turn things around for me and in my favor in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank You heavenly Father, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. 


There’s a family called the global family (as I said earlier), if there’s a problem on the globe, directly or indirectly it will affect everybody and ultimately it will impact everybody. Yorubas have a saying, irorun igi n’irorun eye, when there is peace on the tree, that’s when the bird can perch and stay peaceful on the tree. We are going to cry to the Lord Almighty and say Father in the name of Jesus, please intervene in our world, intervene oh Lord in our world in the name of Jesus. In the global family where there is war, where there is strife, where there’s disorderliness, Father please intervene in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank You heavenly Father, in Jesus wonderful name we have prayed. 

And finally, take 30 seconds and pray for your family, pray for yourself and your family.